
gulp repo template

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gulp template

File 'gulpfile.js' views files from '#src' folder and builds them in 'name of project_dir' folder. You can use it to simplify the work on the front-end part of web-app.

Here's a description of what exactly the gulp does:

  • html: copies all html files, which do not start with '_'. Before copying it replaces all @@include('_*.html') strings with the code in corresponding partial representations (which should start with '_'); change all tags to 'picture + source + img' combination.
  • css: compile all 'scss' files to css and min.css, grouping by media.
  • js: copy all 'js' files to js and min.js.
  • images: copy image from the source folder and create copy with 'wepb'.(thats why we convert img to picture combination in html).
  • fonts: convert otf to ttf if (using specified gulp task), then make 'woff'/'woff2' fonts and write them in css.

Also by default runs "watch" witch watches all the changes in #src and change destination folder automatically.

Don't forget to run "npm i" to install all node_modules from 'package.json'.