
Primary LanguageElixir


A small project with which to demonstrate the Observer and Recon in Elixir


  1. clone
  2. mix deps.get
  3. start a distributed node: iex --name leo@ --cookie crisp -S mix
  4. inspect epmd -names for node list
  5. do a curl localhost:4001/fibonacci?number=3
  6. open a second shell
  7. remote shell into node leo as rascal: iex --name rascal@ --cookie crisp --remsh leo@
  8. start the Observer: :observer.start(), navigate to the Applications tab, and inspect the supervision tree. Note, for example, the Mail Box size.
  9. exit then introduce the Recon call: :recon_trace.calls({Elixir.Leo, :fibonacci, :_}, 32, [{:scope, :local}, :return_to]). Explain the options.
  10. do another curl localhost:4001/fibonacci?number=3
  11. explain the output
  12. write a Cache Agent if time permits
