Translates morse from buttons under toes and vibrates target language's result via Google Translate.
Uses two buttons placed under the big toes. Use the left button (key) to input either a dot or a dash. Use the right button (ctrl) to input a 1 space between letters, or 2 spaces between words. Holding down the control key submits the query for translation. Holding it down longer clears the input.
After sending the encoded word in the source language to the API for translation, the target language translation will be re-encoded back into morse and vibrate on the user's leg or foot for interpretation.
- Any esp32 with micropython (https://www.amazon.com/HiLetgo-ESP-32S-Bluetooth-Wireless-ESP-WROOM-32/dp/B077KJNVFP/)
- 2x Buttons (https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256801735655471.html)
- LiPo 3.7V 1500mAh Battery (www.amazon.com/EEMB-Battery-Rechargeable-Connector-Certified/dp/B09DPMS6HN) Swap Polarity!
- Vibration Motor (www.amazon.com/DZS-Elec-Button-type-Electronics-Appliances/dp/B07PHRX7QH)