
React hooks for controlling audio on the web

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a yarn v4 monorepo that primarily manages the react-use-audio-player package, which helps React developers better control sound in their web applications.

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yarn add react-use-audio-player

npm install react-use-audio-player

For complete package documentation, see the package README

Monorepo Setup

In order to contribute to the project, build the package locally, or run the demo applications, you will need to make sure your environment is set up correctly.

I recommend using NVM to make sure you use the correct NodeJS version.

The repo uses modern Yarn which requires one to enable corepack on their NodeJS installation. This feature is only available on newer releases which is why it is important to use the established NodeJS version in the .nvmrc file.

  1. git clone the repository
  2. cd useAudioPlayer
  3. nvm use
  4. corepack enable
  5. yarn install


You can view example applications using the package in the demos directory. If you would like to run them yourself please following the following steps:

  1. Complete the steps in Monorepo Setup above
  2. Build the react-use-audio-player package locally with - yarn g:build-package
  3. cd into any of the demo workspaces and run yarn start
  4. or leverage yarn workspace commands - yarn workspace [NAME OF DEMO FOLDER] start
  5. follow terminal output or the demo's README for further assistance


Please consider opening an Issue or Feature Request in Github and I will do my best to respond to these in a timely manner. However, as a sole contributor, it can often be hard to set aside time to make meaningful changes to the project. I will be happy to review and discuss pull requests with anyone who wants to help.