ESP8266 gateway between RFLink and MQTT server
This code allows to use an ESP8266 (ESP01, D1 mini, ...) to forward data from an RFLink board to an MQTT server with messages in JSON.
Code is inspired from rflink-to-mqtt, RflinkToJsonMqtt and RFLink-to-FHEM-via-MQTT
The following capabilities were added:
- MQTT username, password and will topic
- Adds a new unique field if a CMD field follows a SWITCH field (ex: "SWITCH02" = "ON" added to "SWITCH"="02", CMD="ON")
- Hardware reset RFLink MEGA with ESP pin
- Auto reset RFLink MEGA if no data is received within a specific time frame (disabled by default, set RESET_MEGA_INTERVAL in ms to enable)
- HTTP server to show data received and how it is converted, with javascript functions to filter or sort colum by clicking on headers (Live data tab only)
- Debug mode to publish on MQTT server with possibility to enable/disable
- Uptime published on MQTT server every 5 minutes
- OTA firmware update from webserver
- Send commands from web interface with possibility to setup a predefined user list
- Change easily serial interface to be used : hardware serial RX/TX, software serial on user defined pins, or a mix ; by default it listens to RFLink MEGA on ESP RX pin and writes to RFLink MEGA with software serial on ESP GPIO2/D4
- Handles negative values for fields TMP, WINCHL, WINTMP
- Check data received is ASCII
- Possibility to publish only a list of user IDs to MQTT server. In addition, possibility to publish only on data change but still to publish after a user defined time frame (disabled by default - change USER_ID_NUMBER and USER_IDs to enable)
- Possibility to force a specific ID for devices changing frequently ; it applies to a specific name/protocol, which means there should be only one device around using this protocol (change USER_SPECIFIC_IDs)
- Show setup information on web interface plus last received / published time for each defined USER ID
- Use of ESP Easy CSS for nice web interface
- RFLink-Hardware required (official or DIY)
- Edit options in config.h
- Serial and hardware configuration
- Wi-Fi and MQTT settings
- Update USER_IDs table with your own devices if you want to use ID filtering
- Change USER_ID_NUMBER with the number of USER_IDs table lines
- Modify USER_CMDs table to show you own commands on the web interface
- Compile with Arduino IDE - You will need the following libraries:
- ArduinoJson library 5.13.x, not version 6.x.x (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Librairies > ArduinoJson > Select version 5.13.x > Install)
- PubSubClient
- Upload to ESP
- Wire serial as defined in serial configuration ; wire ESP RX pin to RFLink MEGA TX pin, and ESP GPIO2/D4 pin to RFLINK MEGA RX pin (this is default, see note below to change it)
- To handle hardware reset of RFLink MEGA from ESP, wire ESP GPIO/D3 pin to RFLink MEGA RST (this is default ; it can be changed with MEGA_RESET_PIN in config.h)
- Subscribe to MQTT topic 'rflink/#'
- Use web interface by pointing your http browser to ESP IP
Note: If you want to use ESP RX/TX connected to RFLink MEGA TX/RX, you need to change this:
- uncomment line "auto& rflinkSerialTX = Serial;"
- comment line "SoftwareSerial& rflinkSerialTX = softSerial;"
Please do note hesitate to come and discuss about it on Jeedom forum
When RFLink receives something this is presented on the serial line eg.:
This software publishes this to the topics:
as json like this:
Publish the command according to the documentation to the topic
On the web interface main page, use the form or a predefined command button
Use it at your own risk!!!