This MATLAB package implements kernel descriptors proposed in [1-2].
There are nine directories in the package:

- demo_rgb: Demo scripts to show the usage of kernel descriptors for image recognition.
- demo_rgbd: Demo scripts to show the usage of kernel descriptors for RGB-D object recognition
- emk: Efficient match kernels that generate image/object level features based on kernel descriptors. 
  Please download the emk package from
  Copy the subfolder /emk_1.0/emk/ to kdes_2.0/emk/.
- helpfun: Helpful functions such as K-Means and power transformations.
- images: Directory of storing training and test data.
- kdes: Kernel descriptors for RGB and depth images.
- liblinear-1.5-dense: Liblinear in the dense format, modified by Xiaofeng Ren.
- liblinear-1.5-dense-float: Liblinear in the dense float format, modified by Xiaofeng Ren.
- lsvm: A Matlab version of linear SVMs

[1] Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren and Dieter Fox, Kernel Descriptors for Visual Recognition, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2010.
[2] Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren and Dieter Fox, Depth Kernel Descriptors for Object Recognition, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011.

This software is developed by Liefeng Bo at the University of Washington. Please contact if you found any bugs.

The following are the links to the datasets used to evaluate kernel descriptors in demos.

-RGBD Object Dataset: assumed to be in images/rgbdsubset
The dataset is available at

-Bird200: assumed to be in images/bird200
The dataset is available at

-Caltech101: assumed to be in images/caltech101
The dataset is available at

-Cifar10: assumed to be in images/cifar10
The dataset is available at

-Extended Yaleface: assumed to be in images/yaleface38
The dataset is available at

-USPS: assumed to be in images/usps
The dataset is available at

-Scene15: assumed to be in images/scene15
The dataset is available at

-UIUC-Sports: assumed to be in images/sports
The dataset is available at