##API for ticketing platform
Welcome to the Jeje Tickets API documentation. This API allows users to sign up, login, view events, purchase tickets, create events, and more. Below you will find details about the available routes and their functionalities.
The base URL for all API endpoints is: https://jeje-tickets.onrender.com/api/jejetickets
POST /auth/register
Create a new user account.
POST /auth/login
Authenticate the user and generate an access token.
POST /auth/logout
Invalidate the current user's access token and log them out.
GET /api/events?page=1&limit=10
Retrieve a list of all available events.
GET /events/{eventId}
Retrieve detailed information about a specific event.
POST /events/create
Create a new event.
PUT /events/{eventId}/update
Update an existing event.
The API follows standard HTTP status codes for indicating success or failure of requests. In case of errors, the response will include an error message with additional details.
This API uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and authorization. To access protected routes, include the access token in the Authorization
header of your requests as follows: Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
Please refer to the API documentation for more detailed information on request payloads, response formats, and additional route-specific details.
- Kodeforce - Lead Developer
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting bug reports or feature requests via GitHub Issues.
Happy ticketing!