
Singapore Paynow generator for golang

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Singapore Paynow generator for golang


import "github.com/VirgilZhao/paynow"

qrcodeStr := paynow.GeneratePayNowString(paynow.Options{
 		UEN:             "12345678",
 		Editable:        false,
 		Expiry:          "20260304",
 		CompanyName:     "testcompany",
 		Amount:          "0.99",
 		ReferenceNumber: "testordernumber12345678",

Example will return qrcodeStr="00020101021226470009SG.PAYNOW010120208123456780301004082026030452040000530370254040.995802SG5911testcompany6009Singapore62270123testordernumber1234567863040047" which you can send to front-end to show in QR format

Option Description

name required data type desc
UEN required string UEN number for merchant
Editable optional bool true: client can edit the amount; false: client cannot edit the amount, default is false
Expiry optional string payment expiry date, format is YYYYMMDD
CompanyName optional string merchant name
Amount required string pay amount, format as "99.99", "1.99", "1.80", "2.00"
ReferenceNumber required string bill number/ID related to your own system

Data Structure Of The Generate QR Code String Content

Paynow qrcode string data structure follows the SGQR specification, you can download the pdf in below link https://www.emvco.com/wp-content/uploads/documents/EMVCo-Merchant-Presented-QR-Specification-v1.1.pdf

Data Structure Introduction

Usage Example "00020101021226470009SG.PAYNOW010120208123456780301004082026030452040000530370254040.995802SG5911testcompany6009Singapore62270123testordernumber1234567863040047"

A data object is represented as an ID/Length/Value combination, example "000201", 00 is the ID, 02 is the value length, 01 is the value.

A entire data message is the combination of data objects, below table shows the specification of all data objects

name ID length value example Comment
Payload Format Indicator 00 02 01 000201 static value
Point of Initiation Method 01 02 12 010212 value 11 represents static QR code, 12 represents dynamic QR code
Merchant Account Infomation 26 up to 99 26470009SG.PAYNOW0101202081234567803010040820260304 paynow account info
Merchant Category Code 52 04 52040000 not used, set value as 0000
Merchant Currency 53 03 702 5303702 SG currency static value
Transaction Amount 54 up to 13 54040.99 amount
Country Code 58 02 SG 5802SG static value for singapore
Merchant Name 59 up to 25 5911testcompany company name
Merchant City 60 up to 15 Singapore 6009Singapore stative value for singapore
Additional Data Field Template 62 up to 99 62270123testordernumber12345678 additional data attached
CRC 63 04 63040047 CRC16 sign, sign string includes 6304

Merchant Account Infomation Desciption

Name ID length Example Comment
Globally Unique Identifier 00 up to 32 0009SG.PAYNOW static value
Account Type 01 01 01012 value 0 for mobile, value 2 for UEN
UEN 02 up to 13 020812345678 UEN number takes 10, suffix takes 3
Payment Amount Editable 03 01 1 value 1 payment is editable, value 0 is not editable
Expiry Date 04 08 040820260304 expire date format YYYYMMDD

Additional Data Field Description

Name ID length Example Comment
Bill Number 01 up to 25 0123testordernumber12345678 reference order number/ID


Original code reference from: https://gist.github.com/chengkiang/7e1c4899768245570cc49c7d23bc394c