
Automatic homework marking/judging for icourse163. “**大学MOOC”网作业自动互评

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


996.icu License: MIT


A userscript to automatically mark others' homework on icourse163 to save your precious time. By default, This script gives everyone full marks. Therefore, were everyone using this script, everybody's grade would be the best. :)

用于在**大学慕课网自动互评作业的脚本,帮助你节省宝贵的时间。 这份脚本默认给所有人满分。因此,如果所有人都能用它,那么每个人都能拿最好的成绩。XD


Goto https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/393772-icourse163-auto-mark/ to install. You may also need to install a userscript manager like Tempermonkey.

访问 https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/393772-icourse163-auto-mark/ 安装。你可能需要安装一个管理用户脚本的浏览器插件,如 Tempermonkey。