Julia implementation of the 2D-Ising model

Primary LanguageJulia

About this repo:

Julia implementation of the 2D Random Field Ising Model.

To use it without the REPL

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Instantiante the julia-project running make instantiante.

  3. Given NGRID: size of the spin lattice, NUM_RUNS: number of runs and NUM_GENS: number of generations. Run make simulate ngrid=NGRID runs=NUM_RUNS gens=NUM_GENS.

  4. Run make plot_trazes assembled_magn=true. If "true" the plot of the assembled magnetization is saved under graphs/simulations

  5. Run make plot_psd to save all the average PSD by run at each fixed temperature.

  6. Given r: number of realization and an array of patterns (suppose those are pattern1, pattern2, pattern3). Run make plot_eigspectra realizations=r patterns="pattern1 pattern2 pattern3"

  7. To clean the "workspace" run make cleanup. This will delete all the simulations info and graphs persisted under the dirs "simulations" and graphs". If instead you want to just delete all the persisted simulations, run:make cleanup_simulations else if you want to delete the plots saved in the "graphs" dir run make cleanup_graphs.