
MTBLS Python-based REST service

Primary LanguagePython

MTBLS Python-based REST service

Branch: Master Build Status Coverage Status

Docker Hub: /mtblsws-py


Installing the required Python libraries

create a new virtual environment and simply execute "pip install -r requirements.txt"

See config.py for details of how to connect to a MetaboLights ISA-Tab database schema.

Using the REST service

To see what REST calls you can make and how to format your queries, have a look at the on-line Swagger UI API documentation. Start either the Flask server (for local development), or Gunicorn for a live environment.

Once your WS is up and running point a web browser to http://localhost:5000/metabolights/ws/api/spec.html.

Please note that some of the functionality will only work if this is running on EMBL-EBI MetaboLights infrastructure.

Please contact the MetaboLights Team at metabolights-help@ebi.ac.uk for further information.


Please give us feedback, we are always looking at ways to improve MetaboLights.