I love surfing and milkshakes! This is a Business Plan Analysis for a surf & shake shack to be built in Hawaii, analyzing weather using SQLite, SQLAlchemy, and Flask database structures and querying methods. Python code is written and executed in a Jupyter notebook. I'll provide visualization by plotting the results of the precipitation analysis using Matplotlib.
In order to secure funding, I'll provide the investor with insight into the weather patterns of a specific location on Oahu where I want to build my shop.
Pull all daily temps in each of the months June and December. Below is the code for obtaining June temperatures from the sqlite database:
results = session.query(Measurement.date, Measurement.tobs).\ filter(extract('month', Measurement.date) == 6).all()
Determine summary statistics using pandas DataFrame of the extracted lists:
1700 daily temperatures were analyzed for the month of June. The minimum temp is 64, the maximum temp is 85 and the average is a balmy 75.
- 1517 daily temperatures were analyzed for the month of December. The minimum temp is 56, the maximum temp is 83 and the average is a balmy 71.
Plot temperatures and print results in a histogram for each month:
%matplotlib inline from matplotlib import style style.use('fivethirtyeight') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt June_df.plot.hist(bins=12, title="June temperatures", xlabel="temperature") plt.tight_layout()
Dec_df.plot.hist(bins=12, title="December temperatures", xlabel="temperature")
The low temperatures for our location are 56-64 degrees. The high temperatures are 83 and 85 degrees. These temperatures can be considered temperate and desirable for most vacationers.
It appears from both the summary statistics and the visual depiction in the histogram that temperatures are not vastly different when comparing June and December in our Hawaii location. Therefore, the weather remains consistent when considering both June and December temperatures.
- inches of rainfall per June, and per December
In order to get summary statistics of rainfall for June, I refactored the code for June temperatures as such:
Prcp_results = []
Prcp_results = session.query(Measurement.date, Measurement.prcp).\
filter(extract('month', Measurement.date) == 6).all()
The resulting statistics show little to no rainfall most days for June.
Similarly, there is little rainfall in December, although it appears to be a little rainier than June.