
A gotenberg client for Deno

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Gotenberg Deno Client


We have 4 types of exported functions:

  1. File-Loader helper (readFile)
  2. RequestInfo creator (office, merge, convert, url, markdown, url)
  3. Executoren (executor, webhookExecutor)
  4. Response handler (handleZipResponse, handleResponse)

To create a request:

  1. create a (global) execcutor wich can be used for multiple requests (we provide 2 one with webhook options). You might use multiple executoren in your project!
  2. create the RequestInfo object by calling the corresponding function depending on your use case.
  3. pass the RequestInfo to the executor it returns a Promise<Response>.
  4. pass the Promise (or the Response) to one of the response handler. If you expect more than one pdf file use handleZipResponse. If you expect a single PDF use handleResponse

Basic example:

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/gotenberg/mod.ts";

const gotenberg = executor("http://gotenberg:3000");

const { filename, content } = await handleResponse(
    office([await readFile("./path/to/file.docx")], {
      landscape: true,

API Documentation

The generated API documentaion you can find here: https://doc.deno.land/https://deno.land/x/gotenberg/mod.ts