The Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model is a numerical weather prediction model developed by the Meteorological Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada.
- ageorgemorganUniversity of Toronto
- ce107
- eldertiger
- francispoulinUniversity of Waterloo
- gauthierjpEnvironment and Climate Change Canada
- guziyECCC
- hbrunie
- hicomadmin深圳航盛电子股份有限公司
- jokervTvBeijing
- leeeeeeeee2JiangsuNanjing
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- NadineASCCanadian Space Agency
- neishmEnvironment Canada
- ntselepidis@NVIDIA, ETH Zurich
- sccrosbyData Scientist
- shahmoradiUniversity of Texas
- ShintorooseMcGill University
- shriram-jaganBay Area
- tkmimLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- tristanmontoyaUniversity of Cologne
- vmagnoMontreal