

JSON API documentation for kissu.moe. This file contains information on both JSON created for the Kissu-UI (done on the Hazuki API engine) and the Vichan-UI. Documentation provides a link to an example file and then explains the information within. Information within could be changed at any time.

Kissu-UI / Hazuki API Style


https://kissu.moe/api/properties/banners.json alt. https://kissu.moe/api/properties/sfw-banners.json
A list of all the banners submitted to banners.kissu.moe.

  • ARRAY :: Array containing all the banners
    • STRING url :: The URL which clicking on the image goes to. Ignorable on small banners.
    • STRING uri :: The URI to display the image.
    • STRING name :: The username of the image creator.
    • STRING size :: The size of the banner (small, wide).
    • INT clicks :: The number of clicks on the banner. Ignorable on small banners.
    • STRING board :: If the banner was created to only be displayed on certain boards, then this field will contain said board


A list of information about the website.

  • BOARD-ARRAY boards :: An array of public boards.
    • STRING name :: The name of the board.
    • STRING title :: The title of the board.
    • STRING topic :: The topic associated with the the board.
    • STRING category :: The categorization used for grouping the board with others.
  • FRIENDS-ARRAY friends :: An array of websites associated with the imageboard.
    • STRING name :: The name of the partner.
    • STRING descrption :: How to describe this partner.
    • STRING media :: A thumbnail that describes this partner.
    • STRING url :: THe url which this partner site can be accessed with.
  • NEWS-DETAILS news :: Details of website news.
    • STRING message :: The news message.
    • STRING href :: A URL that clicking on the site logo will go to.
    • INT updated_at :: A unix timestamp of when the news was last updated.
  • STATS-DETAILS stats :: A basic summary of website statistics.
    • STRING posts :: The number of posts on the website.
    • STRING unique :: The number of unique posts on the website.
    • STRING data :: A value representing the amount of website data stored only on the API server.


Very simple page for the error page information.

  • BANNER-ITEMS banner :: Contains banner objects representing the page's current banner.
    • BANNER-ITEM size :: Values of "small" or "wide" contain information about the given banner.
      • STRING url :: The URL which clicking on the image goes to. Ignorable on small banners.
      • STRING uri :: The URI to display the image.
      • STRING name :: The username of the image creator.
      • STRING size :: The size of the banner (small, wide).
      • INT clicks :: The number of clicks on the banner. Ignorable on small banners.
      • STRING board :: If the banner was created to only be displayed on certain boards, then this field will contain said board
  • STRING title :: The page title which this file belongs to.
  • STRING title_descriptor :: The description of the page which this file belongs to.


Contains information on the home page.

  • BANNER-ITEMS banner :: Contains banner objects representing the page's current banner.
    • BANNER-ITEM size :: Values of "small" or "wide" contain information about the given banner.
      • STRING url :: The URL which clicking on the image goes to. Ignorable on small banners.
      • STRING uri :: The URI to display the image.
      • STRING name :: The username of the image creator.
      • STRING size :: The size of the banner (small, wide).
      • INT clicks :: The number of clicks on the banner. Ignorable on small banners.
      • STRING board :: If the banner was created to only be displayed on certain boards, then this field will contain said board
  • ACTIVE-ARRAY active :: A lsit of active threads on the website.
    • INT no :: The number of the post
    • STRING com :: The text identifying the thread. Could be a filename or a plaintext snippet of the comment.
    • STRING file_id :: A string representing how the thumbnail is stored.
    • EMBED-OBJECT embed :: If there's an embed this will contain the information on it.
      • STRING site :: What site does the embed belong to.
      • STRING code :: What code is the file stored with.
      • STRING inputURL :: What was the URL which the poster used to post the embed.
      • STRING time :: The second at which the video is supposed to start.
    • STRING board :: The thread's board.
  • FEATURED-ARRAY featured :: A list of threads that have been deemed high quality by the staff.
    • INT no :: The number of the post
    • STRING com :: The text identifying the thread. Could be a filename or a plaintext snippet of the comment.
    • STRING file_id :: A string representing how the thumbnail is stored.
    • EMBED-OBJECT embed :: If there's an embed this will contain the information on it.
      • STRING site :: What site does the embed belong to.
      • STRING code :: What code is the file stored with.
      • STRING inputURL :: What was the URL which the poster used to post the embed.
      • STRING time :: The second at which the video is supposed to start.
    • STRING board :: The thread's board.
  • STRING title :: The page title which this file belongs to.
  • STRING title_descriptor :: The description of the page which this file belongs to.

/api/properties/{BOARD: [a-zA-Z]+}.json

Information about the given board is stored in the properties folder.

  • BANNER-ITEMS banner :: Contains banner objects representing the page's current banner.
    • BANNER-ITEM size :: Values of "small" or "wide" contain information about the given banner.
      • STRING url :: The URL which clicking on the image goes to. Ignorable on small banners.
      • STRING uri :: The URI to display the image.
      • STRING name :: The username of the image creator.
      • STRING size :: The size of the banner (small, wide).
      • INT clicks :: The number of clicks on the banner. Ignorable on small banners.
      • STRING board :: If the banner was created to only be displayed on certain boards, then this field will contain said board
  • STRING board :: The board this properities file belongs to.
  • STRING title :: The page title which this file belongs to.
  • STRING title_descriptor :: The description of the page which this file belongs to.
  • STRING presentation :: The way that information is displayed for this page. Values of postboard, fileboard, scoreboard or pollboard.
  • STRING new_post_counter :: A value that goes up every time someone posts without sage.
  • FEED-ARRAY new_post_feed :: An array of actions done on the board.
    • INT no :: The number of this post.
    • INT resto :: The thread this post replies to.
    • STRING board :: The board this post belonged to.
    • INT time :: The time which this action occured.
    • INT sage :: If the user used sage this value is 1, otherwise 0.
    • INT deleted :: If this post was deleted this value is 1, otherwise 0.
  • INT thread_count :: The number of threads on the board.


A list of the most recently added posts to the website. Only contains posts from the public boards.

  • SUMMARY-ARRAY recent :: The list of recent posts.
    • INT no :: The number of the post.
    • INT resto :: The number of the thread this post belongs to.
    • STRING com :: The text which identifies the most recent post. Can be a filename or a plaintext snippet of the comment.
    • INT time :: The time it was posted.
    • STRING board :: The board this post belongs to.
    • STRING-ARRAY cites :: A list of the board+number of posts this given post is referencing. Format of "[a-z]+-[0-9]+" for example: "qa-4165".

/api/threads/{BOARD: [a-zA-Z]+}/catalog/{PAGE: [1-9]+ OR full}.json

Information about the given catalog is stored in partial forms on pages or the full form. The partial is split up into chunks of 60 threads each.

  • ARRAY :: By default threads are ordered based on the last bump.
    • INT no :: The number of this post.
    • INT resto :: The thread this post replies to.
    • STRING com :: The thread's OP comment.
    • STRING mod_com :: In the case that this post was edited by a moderator this field will be used instead. it will be a raw HTML input.
    • STRING ban_message :: The ban message associated with the post.
    • STRING capcode :: When a staff member identifies themselve's their status will be placed here.
    • STRING tripcode :: When a community member uses a tripcode it will be placed here.
    • INT score :: In the case of scoreboards and image posts, this field will have a value representing the community score of the image.
    • STRING tag :: In the case of fileboards this field will have a character representing it's categorization.
    • POLL-OBJECT poll :: In the case of pollboards this field will have the information of the given poll
      • POLL-QUESTIONS-ARRAY questions :: An array of the poll questions.
        • STRING text :: The text of the question.
        • STRING color :: The color hex for the questions visualization.
        • INT responses :: How many people voted for this option.
      • STRING type :: Is this a multiple choice or a single choice poll?
      • INT-ARRAY timeLeft :: An array where the first value is the timestamp the poll was created and the second the time when it expires.
    • STRING title :: The thread's title (autogenerated based on the comment or filename).
    • STRING sub :: The thread's subject.
    • STRING name :: The OP's name.
    • INT time :: The time of creation.
    • INT locked :: Is this thread locked? 1 if yes, 0 if no.
    • INT sticky :: Is this thread supposed to be at the top of the catalog? 1 if yes, 0 if no.
    • INT zombie :: Is it a permanent thread? 1 if yes, 0 if no.
    • INT sage :: This thread can not be bumped? 1 if yes, 0 if no.
    • INT cyclical :: Posts removed as new replies are made? 1 if yes, 0 if no.
    • INT bumplimit :: Is the post at bumplimit? 1 if yes, 0 if no.
    • INT imagelimit :: Is the post at imagelimit? 1 if yes, 0 if no.
    • INT last_modifed :: The time of the last post which caused a bump to be triggered.
    • INT tn_h :: The thumbnail height.
    • INT tn_w :: The thumbnail width.
    • INT h :: The full file height.
    • INT w :: The full file width.
    • INT static_thumb :: If this thumb is a static file then it will be a 1.
    • STRING spoiler :: If the file is spoilered, it will contain the spoiler type used for the file.
    • STRING board :: The board the thread belongs to.
    • INT fsize :: The data size of the file.
    • STRING filename :: The filename of the file.
    • STRING ext :: The extention of the file.
    • EMBED-OBJECT embed :: If there's an embed this will contain the information on it.
      • STRING site :: What site does the embed belong to.
      • STRING code :: What code is the file stored with.
      • STRING inputURL :: What was the URL which the poster used to post the embed.
      • STRING time :: The second at which the video is supposed to start.
    • INT file_id :: The code with which the file was stored to the serveres.
    • STRING location :: Which subdomain is the file located on. Values of haiji or luna.
    • STRING md5 :: The MD5 hash of the file.
    • CITES-ARRAY cites :: An array representing the cites. Cites in this list are posts targetting this given post
      • STRING post :: What's the number of the cite.
      • STRING board :: Which board does it belong to.
      • STRING host :: Which thread is hosting this cite.
    • REPLIES-ARRAY last_replies :: Last few posts on the given thread.
        • There is no reply_count field
        • There is no tag or poll field. These are for thread starters.
        • There is no sub field.
        • There is no last_modifed field.
        • There is no locked, sticky, zombie, sage or cyclical fields. These are thread modifiers.
        • There is no last_replies array.
    • INT reply_count :: Number of replies in the thread

/api/threads/{BOARD: [a-zA-Z]+}/{THREAD: [0-9]+}/{PAGE: [0-9]+ OR full}.json

Information about the given thread is stored in partial forms on pages or the full form. The partial is split up into chunks of 150 replies each. Page 0 contains the most recents posts and when new replies are made past 150 it populates pages from number 1.json to N.json. This is similar to the above

  • ARRAY :: Access this value by looking up array index 0
    • These values are identical to the above section. Instead of copy pasting it I leave you to connect the dots.
      • ARRAY similar_threads :: An array of threads which are considered similar to the given post.
        • INT
        • STRING
        • STRING mod_com :: When a thread has been modified by moderators it will have a raw HTML input
        • STRING title :: The autogenerated title of the thread.
        • FLOAT tn_h :: Thumbnail's height.
        • FLOAT tn_w :: Thumbnail's width.
        • STRING board :: The thread's board.
        • STRING ext :: The extention of the file (not the thumbnail).
        • STRING file_id :: The id which the file is stored to the server with
        • INT static_thumb :: If this is a static thumbnail then the value will be 1.
        • STRING spoiler :: If this thread is spoilered this will contain the type of spoiler it is.
        • EMBED-OBJECT embed :: If there's an embed this will contain the information on it.
          • STRING site :: What site does the embed belong to.
          • STRING code :: What code is the file stored with.
          • STRING inputURL :: What was the URL which the poster used to post the embed.
          • STRING time :: The second at which the video is supposed to start.

Vichan-UI / Vichan API Style

Most of this can be found on https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan-API/
Kissu has made minimal to no modifications on the vichan API. Please bring up any differences if they exist and are causing confusion.