Problem Set Template Repository

This is the Template Repository for all of your problems sets.

The repo should contain at least 4 folders:

  • document: contains your final document in pdf format. Ideally figures and tables should be pulled directly from the views folder. I've included a latex template I created last semester for the Thesis Seminar.
  • scripts: contains all your scripts
  • stores: contains all the data sets used
  • views: contains all figures and tables

Some grading considerations:

  • Plese name your final document with the same name of your repo. I'll be super strict with this part.
  • It is extremely important how you write up the document. Be sure to be organized and consistent, explaining your equations and findings. Make sure that there are no compilation errors.
  • In your code, be sure to be clear, separating and commenting on each section. Coding, like in writing, style is critical for readability. If the code is well written, it should be self-contained. There is no need to write everything you did. I encourage you to follow the tidyverse style guide
  • Do not include code in your document. If you want, you can have a link to your repo.