CTF Gameserver (ECSC 2022 Version)
This repo contains the FAUST framework with adaptations for the European Cyber Security Challenge 2022. The main changes are:
- Added support for multiple flagstores per challenge via ServiceGroups
- Separate checker for each flagstore, Flags and SLA status is evaluated for each flagstore
- Points are aggregated by ServiceGroup
- Attack and Defense Points are calculated according to the original FaustCTF formula
- SLA points depend on other services of the same ServiceGroup:
- ServiceGroups with all services up give SLA points according to the original FaustCTF formula
- ServiceGroups with at least one service recovering give 50% of regular SLA points
- ServiceGroups with at least one service down/faulty/not checked give SLA 0 points
- Added checker status messages, telling participants what went wrong
- Improved integration with the Saarctf scoreboard:
- Added ability to freeze the scoreboard
- Displaying of team IP addresses
- Displaying of service status messages
- First blood is displayed per flagstore
- Added checker logging via Loki
- ECSC-specific theme changes
Original README
This is a gameserver for attack-defense (IT security) CTFs. It was originally written for FAUST CTF 2015, but is designed to be re-usable for other competitions.
What's included
The gameserver consists of multiple components. They may be deployed separately of each other as their only means of communication is a shared database.
- Web: A Django-based web application for team registration and scoreboards. It also contains the model files, which define the database structure.
- Controller: Coordinates the progress of the competition, e.g. the current tick and flags to be placed.
- Checker: Offers an interface for checker scripts, which place and retrieve flags and test the status of services.
- Submission: Server to submit captured flags to.
- Lib: Some code that is shared between the components.
For deployment instructions and details on the implementations, see the README
s of the individual
Related projects
There are several alternatives out there, although none of them could really convince us. Your mileage may vary at this point.
- ucsb-seclab/ictf-framework from the team behind iCTF, one of the most well-known attack-defense CTFs. In addition to a gameserver, it includes utilities for VM creation and network setup. We had trouble to get it running and documentation is generally rather rare.
- HackerDom/checksystem is the gameserver powering the RuCTF. The first impression wasn't too bad, but it didn't look quite feature-complete to us. However, we didn't really grasp the Perl code, so we might have overlooked something.
- isislab/CTFd appears to be de-facto standard for jeopardy-based CTFs. It is, however, not suitable for an attack-defense CTF.
Another factor for the creation of our own system was that we didn't want to build a large CTF on top of a system which we don't entirely understand.
Design principles
The software will probably only be used once a year for severals hours, but it has to work reliably then. It will hopefully continue to be used by future generations. These requirements led to the incorporation of some principles:
- Non-complex solutions: Keep the amount of code low and chose the less fancy path. That's why we use the built-in Django admin interface instead of writing a custom admin dashboard – it'll be good enough for the few people using it.
- Few external dependencies: Of course one shouldn't re-invent the wheel all over again, but every external dependency means another moving part. Some libraries you always have to keep up with, others will become unmaintained. We therefore focus on few, mature, well-chosen external dependencies. That's why we use a plain old Makefile instead of Bower for JavaScript dependencies and Django's built-in PBKDF2 instead of fancy bcrypt for password hashing.
- Extensive documentation: This should be a no-brainer for any project, although it is easier said than done.
- Re-usability: The gameserver should be adjustable to your needs with some additional lines of code. An
example for such customizations can be found in the
branch of this repository. - Scalability: We couldn't really estimate the load beforehand, nor could we easily do realistic load-testing. That's why the components are loosely coupled and can be run on different machines.
The whole gameserver is released under the MIT (expat) license. Contributions are welcome!