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Activities and Intents Lab - Mad Libs
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James Davis

Activities and Intents Lab: Mad Libs

In this lab, you will be creating an app based on the game Mad Libs.

Mad Libs is a game where you provide certain words and the words are then inserted into a pre-written paragraph with blank spots for fill-ins. Typically, you read the sentence out loud, which usually creates a random (and hopefully, funny) story. Here's an example of a Mad Lib.

This lab will let you practice starting activities and sending data from one activity to another. Also, it will help you practice getting data input from the user, and showing errors when the user doesn't provide data.



The app consists of two activities.

The main activity should be laid out as follows:

  • The layout should have 6 EditTexts, each with hints that describe what type of word is expected.

    • The app should accept the following: 2 adjectives, 2 nouns, animals (plural), and a name of a game.
  • The app should have a button that submits the data and starts the Result Activity.

    • If this is pressed and an EditText is not filled out, the user should be notified that they must fill out all the inputs, and the app should not move to the next activity
    • One option for notifying the user is by setting an error message on the empty EditText via EditText.setError().
  • The Result Activity already takes the words you previously entered, and inserts them into the madlibs template of your choice. You have to provide the 6 words, passed as extras to the activity when starting it.

Starter Code

Use the starter-code provided if you would like. It helps set up your layout for you. Or, you can start from scratch by creating a new Android Studio project in your repo.


An Android app that follows the requirements above. There are no design requirements aside from having the six EditTexts and the button; feel free to play around with color, font, backgrounds, etc.

Submit a pull request once you have pushed your code to GitHub. Ensure that the project builds and runs successfully.

Additional Resources


  1. All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.