

Hackcube specialke can realize badusb function through Arduino Pro micro

It can interfere with 4338 *315 signals, record, listen, replay, and analyze the scroll code. However, this function has no obvious purpose. The complexity of the scroll code is well known. The realization of these functions is realized through CC101 module

There are also low-frequency card simulation, blasting, card writing functions th

There is also a 2.4G signal module, nRF24L01, which exists in the source code of Arduino but has been commented out in the web of esp8266

The function is clearly stated in the project address of unicorenteam

Well, there's no more bullshit.

This repository is my self-made PCB board, which is convenient for DIY. In addition, hackcube special has been sold out, but many people haven't bought it. I have seen that the project has PCB files

It uses four layers of boards plus; components; shell; patch welding; steel mesh; the cost can be imagined, in fact, it can buy modules according to the community's drawings to weld itself, the disadvantage is not beautiful.

To sum up, I chose to draw a PCB to balance the cost of beauty and the difficulty of welding

Because the code about 2.4G module is commented out in the original code, I did not consider adding nRF24L01 module when drawing PCB

If there is any addition in the original project later, I will redraw the board.

This board is 57mm long and 31mm wide. It is the same as an esp8266 module with ch340 serial port. It is easy to assemble

It is divided into two parts: the top plate and the bottom plate, which are only 5 RMB in JLC. The top plate is mainly cc1101 module, Arduino, status light, etc.

The new PCB removes a part of the upper board in order to provide space for the electrolytic capacitor on the low-frequency module, so as to reduce the overall thickness. The upper board has 6 rows of pins on the top left, which are used to connect the lower board and communicate with the low-frequency module.
When making by ourselves, we should pay attention to cutting the row needles properly, otherwise it will have a great influence on the thickness. Compared with the previous one, the biggest advantage of this board is that it doesn't need flying wires.

The new PCB adjusts the number of turns of the low-frequency coil, because the reading distance of the last PCB is very close during the test. For convenience, the USB position of the ESP 8266 module and the Arduino module is adjusted to the right. Therefore, during welding, the welding method of upper plate is to place the surface without components of Arduino close to PCB, the
surface without components of ESP module close to the surface with components of Arduino, and the micro interface of two modules is on the right side. So here, we need to adjust the length of the row needle. Close to it does not affect its normal operation.

What needs to be used
1.arduino pro micro
2. Esp8266 with CP2102
3.led WS2812B
4. Cc1101 module
5. EM4095 module