- 2
Add a fixer for respawning Spheres, Sloops and Slugs by comparing two save files.
#527 opened by Rainbow3D - 0
- 1
SCO Jump drives display jump range of 0.00ly
#523 opened by FalcoGer - 1
Load issue while using large amount of recipes
#525 opened by DIDIx13 - 0
Register account password restrictions
#524 opened by rhycus73 - 0
- 0
- 0
EDSM login via Frontier failing
#520 opened by SirWumpus - 8
Profile converted from PS to PC issue
#517 opened by mrknify - 1
Pranav Antal is missing a few control systems, and thus also exploited systems
#519 opened by vanderaj - 5 - Journal import is very slow
#518 opened by Riva3000 - 1
Restore deleted account/account deletion notices
#516 opened by JesusFreke - 2
Smuggling Information
#514 opened by GroundStop - 0
- 2
Erroneously added stars that should be removed.
#513 opened by Tharkon - 2
- 2
- 2
EDSM lost my login
#510 opened by glicatap - 0
Minor: Spelling Mistake
#509 opened by nasisakk - 0
Route planner
#508 opened by SiriusMklain - 3
Vista Genomics missing in Station Search
#507 opened by serakfalcon - 1
Trappist-1 main star has null id64 value
#506 opened by sentrychris - 6
Adding data via various JSON files?
#503 opened by ParzivalWolfram - 3
- 0
Is an API v2 in any future plans?
#504 opened by ROMVoid95 - 0
Suggestion : filter stars by luminosity
#502 opened by Metalliguitare - 2
Flightlog-Heatmap won't load properly
#501 opened by Cetheus - 0
**Delete me**
#496 opened by ClearanceClarence - 1
Missing msg/msgnum fields in the API response
#500 opened by negativefix - 1
How can I switch my account to PC (from PS4)
#499 opened by Mr-Radagast - 4
Update process stopped at 20%
#498 opened by Kash0321 - 3
How can I switch my account to PC (from console)
#495 opened by Kash0321 - 0
invalid CODEX bio names
#497 opened by maxb-odessa - 5
Logged out within seconds on Firefox
#494 opened by BalooUriza - 1
- 3
Steam Deck Data Upload
#492 opened by TheBazzer - 3
Password reset does not work
#491 opened by geometer1 - 2
Console to PC (Steam Deck) Transfer Options
#488 opened by TheBazzer - 1
Corrupted mission entry in missions log
#490 opened by lfaga - 2
- 2
401 Unauthorized Error
#483 opened by Rumzfeld - 3
Journal Harvesting Bug 1 of 2
#485 opened by psdevil - 6
Journal Harvesting Bug 2 of 2
#486 opened by psdevil - 6
Authentication - Have to login with my Frontier account every time I want to use EDSM
#487 opened by louisrousseau - 1
- 0
cube-systems filters systems without primaryStar
#482 opened by HansAcker - 1
Cant find this station in EDSM
#481 opened by chandru9279 - 0
Console updater 'time to refresh' progress bar can go negative and never complete.
#480 opened by michael-ryan - 1
Missing image of B (Blue-White super giant) Star
#479 opened by maxb-odessa - 3
Hegue TI-T d3-5: some planets not landable
#478 opened by chr7