Installation (local development)


Installation instructions

  1. Install the Python requirements:

    pipenv install --dev pipenv shell # to enter the environment

  2. Install the npm requirements:

    npm install

  3. Create and fill out the local settings file:

    cp ee_site/settings/env.local.example ee_site/settings/.env (alternatively you can set those settings as environment variables)

  4. Configure your local database by filling out DATABASE_URL setting in .env file.

    If there is no good reason to do otherwise, it should be a Postgres database since that's what we are using by default on production servers.

  5. Run database migrations if you want an empty database or use saved database state with basic models:

    python migrate

    or dump DB from test server (heroku access needed)

    heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL <your_new_db_name> --app laboratorium-ee-test
  6. Run test command to make sure everything is in order:

    python test
  7. Start the frontend dev server:

    npm run start

  8. Start the backend dev server (in a different console):

    python runserver

Installation (Heroku)

You can create a new Heroku server configured for this app by clicking one of the buttons below and filling out a simple form. For this to work, you need first to link your Heroku account with your Github account. Remember to add the newly created server to the proper Pipeline.

Using branch develop

Deploy to Heroku

Using branch master

Deploy to Heroku

Development guidelines

Code style

There are some linters to check low-level codestyle

flake8  # runthis inside pipenv

For greater control over js and scss liters you can call them directly

./node_modules/.bin/eslint ee_site/static/src/
./node_modules/.bin/sass-lint -c .sass-lint.yml -v 'ee_site/static/src/**/*.scss'

Some errors can be automatically fixed. In case of eslint use --fix flag. For sass-lint we have external tool


CMS content for local development

# load test server db into local db
# load test server mediadir
aws s3 sync s3://strona-ee-test ./mediadir

In order to cast current local DB state to file use:

pg_dump --disable-dollar-quoting --clean --no-privileges --no-owner -U USERNAME DB_NAME -h HOST -p PORT > dump.sql

Translation files

To regenerate translation files

python makemessages

Compile translation files - they are not being commited, but will allow you to see changes on local dev server.

python compilemessages

Updating test server content

To copy DB state from production to test do

heroku pg:copy -a laboratorium-ee-test strona-ee-prod::DATABASE_URL DATABASE_URL
heroku run -a laboratorium-ee-test ./ migrate  # make sure all migrations are applied

To copy mediafiles

aws s3 sync --acl public-read s3://strona-ee-prod s3://strona-ee-test

Salesforce integration

Salesforce integration is used to send offer messages to salesforce.

Setup instructions:

  1. Set SALESFORCE_CLIENT_SECRET for application you are using (determined by SALESFORCE_CLIENT_ID).
  2. Perform authentication of application instance: ./ salesforce_auth.
  3. Store obtained refresh token in env variable SALESFORCE_REFRESH_TOKEN.