Yet another kanban-style, list-making Terminal application wroten in C.
The program was wroten modularly to easily be able to change the interface to CLI or GUI.
- Please don't use
other than for parameters - Example:
card modify name 13 "name"
- Exit terminal in safe mode (auto-save)
- Create new user
user new "userName" "userEmail"
- Delete user
user delete "userEmail"
- List users
user list
- Create new Board
Board new "boardName"
- Modify currently selected Board's name
Board modify "boardName"
- Remove Board
Board remove "boardName"
- List all boards
Board list
- Select Board to work in
Board select "boardName"
- Add user to Board to selected Board
Board user add "userEmail"
- List all users in current boardName
Board user list
- Remove user from selected Board
Board user remove "userEmail"
- Create new card
card new "cardName" "cardDescription"
- Modify card
card modify name {cardID} "cardName"
card modify description {cardID} "cardDescription"
- Remove card
card remove {cardID}
- List all cards
card list
- Group cards by status, then sort by datetime
card sort
- Assign user to card
card user assign {cardID} "userEmail"
- Remove user from card
card user remove {cardID} "userEmail"
- Print card status
card status {cardID}
- Update card status
card update {cardID}
- Set card status (UpperCase)
card update {cardID} "status"
- Print card log
card log {cardID}
- Whenever you can type but ">" is not present, just press ENTER.
I think this is caused by flushing; if I were to not flush stdin, random syntax errors would appear because of dangling newlines)