- 20
phantomjs alternative
#124 opened by wioux - 2
Getting bad gateway
#156 opened by koryp123 - 0
Rake file version error
#155 opened by oregondean - 0
502 bad gateway on
#147 opened by johntyree - 1
How are you solving reCAPTCHA?
#146 opened by Jefftopia - 0
related to bundle
#144 opened by subodh26 - 2
- 0
- 0
rename docker-compose.test.yml to something else
#133 opened by lenazun - 8
add this project to ios mobile project
#128 opened by ahspadafora - 5
If "verify email" is a field, API required fields returns two fields called "$EMAIL". Impossible to reply with two $EMAIL key values.
#123 opened by Boingoloid - 0
Add dnt-policy to /.well-known
#122 opened by maximillianh - 1
sending html within $MESSAGE
#120 opened by yocheved - 3
ReCaptcha support
#118 opened by nilsjesper - 2
- 5
Can't Connect to MySQL Using Docker
#114 opened by asithade - 1
Support test posts to /fill-out-form
#99 opened by wioux - 1
- 5
CORS broken for browsers that do preflight checks
#100 opened by PollyP - 9
- 4
Integrating the House CWC API?
#79 opened by sinak - 0
webkit_server failed to start
#96 opened by wioux - 4
Recaptcha handling planning
#93 opened by j-ro - 7
Provide updated recaptcha workflow
#90 opened by Hainish - 3
- 11
Lots of "Request failed to reach server, check DNS and/or server status" errors
#47 opened by Hainish - 0
Remove creation of phantomdc user in Dockerfile
#91 opened by Hainish - 3
Upgrade to SHA2 SSL Certificates
#83 opened by glawr0 - 1
initial dockerup is bugged due to sentury nil
#86 opened by TheNotary - 0
- 5
Debugging endpoint jobs are loading slowly
#88 opened by TheNotary - 1
PostgreSQL Adapter and Initial Schema Issue
#81 opened by crdunwel - 8
- 6
Modify auto-scaling criteria
#60 opened by Hainish - 2
Looking for a way to spoof a referrer
#50 opened by j-ro - 1
Click not working?
#67 opened by crdunwel - 1
Javascript Alerts
#73 opened by jscanzoni - 5
Concurrent Connection Limits
#71 opened by tech-workwithiws - 2
$MESSAGE not always in required_actions
#75 opened by rubbingalcoholic - 3
Make data sources flexible
#68 opened by Hainish - 0
Javascript yaml instruction?
#51 opened by j-ro - 1
Upgrade to ruby 2.2.0
#64 opened by Hainish - 2
- 0
WEBKIT errors
#62 opened by Hainish - 0
DRY out the rake file a bit
#61 opened by Hainish - 2
bundle exec issue during installation
#56 opened by y2mq37 - 1
Moving the webkit bioid array to each yaml?
#54 opened by j-ro - 1
Captcha specs failing
#55 opened by bglazer - 3
SSL Handshake errors on servers recently?
#49 opened by j-ro - 0
relicense under AGPL
#46 opened by Hainish