
AstroJS Cloudflare error pages

Primary LanguageAstro

AstroJS Cloudflare custom error pages

AstroJS Cloudflare Error is a collection of custom error pages for any website built with AstroJS or not. These static pages use AstroJS and Github pages to make it easy to assign custom error pages in CloudFlare for your site.

It is more or less a fork of mjwebs/cloudflare-error with some modifications and added to the AstroJS structure.

View the resulting error pages here https://ehlovader.github.io/astro-cloudflare-error/


  • CloudFlare Pro account or above
  • Github or Gitlab


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Update repo as needed
    • Update the email address in ContactSupport.astro or Remove <ContactSupport /> from each error file
    • Update styles to match your site
    • Pages must remain under 1.43 MB including images, fonts, and styles
  3. Push changes to your fork, you will have a URL like https://<your-username>.github.io/cloudflare-error-pages/
  4. Open CloudFlare and go to your domain
  5. Click on the Custom Pages tab
  6. Click on the Customize button
  7. Enter the URL of the page for that error
  8. Click Preview to test that works and Publish to make it live
  9. Repeat for each error page


  • Finish Gitlab pages


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
