
NixOS configurations & Nix packages for @EHfive's mail server & NanoPi R2S router

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

EHfive's Nix flakes


Setup cache (optional)

$ cachix use eh5

or add to NixOS config

{ ... } : {
  nix.settings.substituters =  [ "https://eh5.cachix.org" ];
  nix.settings.trusted-public-keys = [ "eh5.cachix.org-1:pNWZ2OMjQ8RYKTbMsiU/AjztyyC8SwvxKOf6teMScKQ=" ];

Build/Run package

$ nix run   github:EHfive/flakes#nix-gfx-mesa
$ nix build github:EHfive/flakes#packages.aarch64-linux.ubootNanopiR2s

Install package, module

NixOS (flake)
# flake.nix
  inputs.eh5 = {
    url = "github:EHfive/flakes";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, eh5 }: {
    nixosConfigurations.your-machine = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem rec {
      # system = ...
      modules = [
        # ...
        # imports all
        # or on demand
        { pkgs, ... }: {
          nixpkgs.overlays = [
            # ...

          environment.systemPackages = [
            pkgs.nix-gfx-mesa # via overlay
            # or specify the package directly

All packages in this repo are also re-exported into github:nixos-cn/flakes, you can install from it in same fashion as above.

$ nix run github:nixos-cn/flakes#re-export.netease-cloud-music
$ # or in full path
$ nix run github:nixos-cn/flakes#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.re-export.netease-cloud-music



Name Description Platforms
dovecot-fts-flatcurve Dovecot FTS Flatcurve plugin (Xapian) *-linux
fake-hwclock Fake hardware clock *
mosdns A DNS proxy *
nix-gfx-mesa nixGL but for Mesa only *
qcef Qt5 binding of CEF x86_64-linux
stalwart-cli Stalwart JMAP server CLI *
stalwart-imap Stalwart IMAP server (imap-to-jmap proxy) *
stalwart-jmap Stalwart JMAP server *
ubootNanopiR2s U-Boot images for NanoPi R2S aarch64-linux


Name Description Platforms
sops-install-secrets-nonblock sops-install-secrets but using non-blocking getrandom(2) {x86_64,aarch64}-linux



Adds all base packages listed above.


Module Description Option
fake-hwclock Fake hardware clock service services.fake-hwclock.enable
mosdns mosdns service services.mosdns.*
stalwart-jmap Stalwart JMAP server services.stalwart-jmap.*
system-tarball-extlinux config.system.build.tarball for systems using EXTLINUX style boot loader system.enableExtlinuxTarball
v2ray-rules-dat Auto update V2Ray rules dat services.v2ray-rules-dat.*
default Imports all above modules

Some of the modules requires some packages declared above, hence requiring .#overlays.default to be applied.