
UEFI tools including reset tool, loopback driver, util

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT



An UEFI application to set OSIndications flags and reset system.

You can also set default command-line options with environment variable UEFI_RESET_DEFAULT_CMD at compile-time.

For example, you can chain-load the following efi in an UEFI boot loader to reboot into firmware UI.

export UEFI_RESET_DEFAULT_CMD="uefi-reset.efi firmware"
cargo build --package uefi-reset


An UEFI loopback service driver similar to loop driver on Linux. It additionally provides device-mapper like linear concatting interface for file patching.

See LoopControlProtocol and LoopProtocol for protocols.


An UEFI application to attach image file to loopback device with loopdrv similar to losetup on Linux. It also supports file patching for ISO96660 image, this can be used to append a custom initramfs hence hijacking the init process.


cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-uefi
stat target/x86_64-unknown-uefi/debug/*.efi

You can also build for target "aarch64-unknown-uefi" or "i686-unknown-uefi" that powered by Rust/LLVM's cross-compile capability.


You need to operate under UEFI shell.

(Optional) Load filesystem drivers

Load filesystem drivers from efifs if your files are not reside in FAT partition.

Drivers need to be copied into the ESP partition or anywhere UEFI shell can read.

Shell> FS0:
FS0:\> load ext2_x64.efi
FS0:\> load btrfs_x64.efi
FS0:\> load ntfs_x64.efi
FS0:\> map -r

Load the loopdrv

FS0:\> load uefi-loopdrv.efi

Attach image file with lopatch

Take a look at help message
FS0:\> uefi-lopatch --help
Usage: FS0:\uefi-lopatch.efi [OPTIONS] IMAGE_FILE

  Setup a loopback device for IMAGE_FILE with optional ISO file
  patching for IMAGE_FILE contains an iso9660 filesystem

  -h, --help            Print this help and exit
  -i, --id NUM          Loopback ID to use, find a free one if omitted
  -r, --read-only       Mark read-only
  -P                    Mark that IMAGE_FILE has disk partitioning
  -l, --list            List all loopback devices
  -d, --detach          Detach the loopback device specified by -i/--id

ISO Patching Options:
  -s, --search PATH     Search file in ISO to patch, each --search/--pattern
                        should followed with one or more action options, i.e.
                        --append, --meta-cpio or --replace. A file matches if
                        PATH is a valid file path relative to any parent
                        directory. The action would applies to all files found.
  -p, --pattern REGEX   Use regular expression instead to match file path
  -a, --append FILE     Append FILE data to end of the matched ISO file
  -m, --meta-cpio       Append mapping metadata file as CPIO
  -R, --replace FILE    Replace data of the matched ISO file with FILE data

  * Append a cpio to initramfs file in Live CD ISO and setup loopback
  FS0:\uefi-lopatch.efi -s initramfs-linux.img -a patch-init.cpio archlinux.iso

  * Attach a FAT image to a free loopback device
  FS0:\uefi-lopatch.efi fat.img

Attach an ISO image in FS1 to loopback device with unit number 0

FS1:\> FS0:\uefi-lopatch.efi --read-only --id 0 archlinux.iso
FS1:\> map -r

let say FS2 is partition on the loopback device that just been attached.

FS1:\> FS2:
FS2:\> ls

Detach the loopback and re-attach with patching, lopatch would search a file named "initramfs-linux.img" and append data of "patch-init.cpio" to the end of former. This is achieved by modifying the ISO9660 directory record of the file to re-point to re-positioned patched file. Suppose patch-init.cpio is a cpio containing a hijacking /init, which also setup ISO image as loopback device in boot stage 1 hence the Live CD booting can continues to stage 2.

FS2:\> FS0:\uefi-lopatch.efi --id 0 --detach
FS1:\> FS0:\uefi-lopatch.efi -r -s initramfs-linux.img -a FS0:\patch-init.cpio -m archlinux.iso
FS1:\> map -r

Boot the ISO boot loader

FS1:\> FS2:\efi\boot\bootx64.efi