Project Summary - Fullstack Address Book

For this project you'll be crafting an Address Book application. You'll be responsible for the user interface and its functionality, along with implementing a backend API to persist the data to a database and authorize users.

The set of technologies you'll be required to use are as follows

This is a comprehensive test of all of you skills as a software developer, you'll be expected to implement each specified feature to the best of your abilities. Along with working features, attention will be paid to how you organize your application code.

Getting Started

Fork and clone this project.

There is no starter code for this project. Use the appropriate tools to initialize a project and track any dependencies required to run your project.

Design Constraints

  1. You should create a responsive UI for three device categories mobile, tablet and desktop. There are no exact device requirement, but your design should be usable on those three device classes with their respective screen sizes.

    May be a good idea to review responsive design?

  2. The look and feel of the application is up to you. Feel free to use existing UI libraries, or design your own interface.

    Working implementations are worth more that a pretty looking interface.

  3. Your backend API should require authentication to access the address book functionality. You should implement your authorization and sign-in using JSON Web Tokens


Login / Registration Page:

  • When a user first navigates to your application they should be greeted with a Login / Registration page.

    • New Users - Should have the ability to register to use your Address Book application

    • Existing Users - Should be able to login to the application with a username and password combination.

    • The login form should have username and password as required fields.

    • Form field errors should be displayed to the user with a useful message.

    • If login fails, a message notifying the user of the failure should be shown.

  • When registered or authenticated the user should then be directed to the main Address Book page.

Bonus Feature: See if you can implement auto-login if a user still has a valid token from their last login. This would require storage of the token in the browser. Research browser local storage if you're implementing this feature.

Address Book Page:

  • This is the where a user can complete the various actions required for a useful Address Book application.

  • UI Requirements:

    • A list of saved user contacts should be displayed:
      • This list should display a consolidated view of the contact information first_name, last_name and phonenumber.
      • The list should be sortable by last_name, the sorting should utilize the database.
      • The list should be searchable by first_name and last_name.
      • When a contact is selected from this list a detailed contact view of some kind should be shown. The detailed view should show all editable information for the selected contact.
    • A detailed contact view:
      • Should display all editable information about contact.
      • Have a way to edit and then save selected contact information.
    • A way to CREATE new contacts and save them to the user's address book.
      • Form should have appropriate validation and error messages.
    • A way to DELETE contacts from the address book.
      • A confirmation should be used before deleting a contact.
    • A way for a user to logout of the application
      • A logout should remove their authorization and redirect them to the login page.

Bonus Feature: Create a way to add contacts to groups, and then a way to toggle the display of contacts in groups or just as a list.

Database Design

We won't give you too many clues here, as it's part of the exercise but remember to think about how the various entities relate to one another and how you would query them. This application will most likely require the following entities.

  • User - you decide the columns
  • Address Book - you decide the columns
  • Contact
    • first_name - *required
    • last_name
    • home_phone
    • mobile_phone
    • work_phone
    • email
    • city
    • state_or_province
    • postal_code
    • country
  • Group - *only if implementing the bonus feature


Submit a link to your fork of this repository to the Google Classroom assignment related to this project.