
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Summary

In this project, we will create an e-commerce React application from start to finish. We will start by forking and cloning this repo, which will provide the basic file structure from create-react-app (the only difference being that src/App.js is empty). We will be working on this app over the course of three days. Each day's project is divided into four parts, with the first step being comparable to that day's mini-project and the following steps adding more features or implementing new patterns. You should expect to be able to complete the first two steps on each day, while steps three and four will offer a challenge.

Day 1

On this day, we will start building our React app. We will create a class component with state in the src/App.js file. We will practice rendering lists of data from state by looping over them and returning JSX code. At the end of this project, you should have a better understanding of the following concepts:

  • Components
  • State
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Array mapping
  • JSX

Live Example


Part 1


In this part, we will create a class component called App and initialize it with state. The state will be responsible for holding all of the user's products that they want to purchase and all of the products that are available for purchase. We will design the App component so that it has a left and right side. On the left side we will display the list of products available to purchase. On the right side will be the user's cart.

We will also add the functionality for a user to be able to add items to their cart. For right now, if a duplicate is added to the cart, we will just add to the duplicate to the cart. We will optimize this on a later part.

Step 1

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create a class component called App that is the default export.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and creating a class component. We'll call this component App and make it the default export.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class App extends Component {}


import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class App extends Component {}

Step 2

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create a constructor method and initialize state as an empty object for now.
  • Create an array on state called products.
    • Populate products with a few product objects of your choosing.
    • A product object should be represented by an object with the following properties:
      • id - Number.
      • imageUrl - String.
      • title - String.
      • price - Number.
      • description - String.
  • Create an empty array on state called cart.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and create a constructor method. In order for a constructor to have access to state we will need to call the super method. We will also initialize state as an empty object for now.

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {};

Now that we have a constructor method and state. Let's create an array called products. This array will hold all the products available for purchase. You can either make up your own or follow along. The important part is that a product is represented by an object. This object should have the following properties - data types.

  • id - Number.
  • imageUrl - String.
  • title - String.
  • price - Number.
  • description - String.
constructor() {
  this.state = {
    products: [
        id: 1,
        imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
        title: 'fancy hat',
        price: 12.99,
        description: 'has a feather in it.'
        id: 2,
        imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
        title: 'fancy car',
        price: 15750.45,
        description: 'goes vroom vroom.'
        id: 3,
        imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
        title: 'simple rock',
        price: 5.00,
        description: 'it is a rock'

Lastly, we'll need another property on state called cart and initialize it as an empty array. This array will hold all the products that a user wishes to purchase.

constructor() {
  this.state = {
    products: [
        id: 1,
        imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
        title: 'fancy hat',
        price: 12.99,
        description: 'has a feather in it.'
        id: 2,
        imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
        title: 'fancy car',
        price: 15750.45,
        description: 'goes vroom vroom.'
        id: 3,
        imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
        title: 'simple rock',
        price: 5.00,
        description: 'it is a rock'
    cart: []


import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      products: [
          id: 1,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy hat',
          price: 12.99,
          description: 'has a feather in it.',
          id: 2,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy car',
          price: 15750.45,
          description: 'goes vroom vroom.',
          id: 3,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'simple rock',
          price: 5.0,
          description: 'it is a rock',
      cart: [],

Step 3

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create a render method underneath the constructor method.
  • Create two section elements in the return statement of App's render method.
    • The first will hold the products list and the other will hold the cart list.
    • Create an h1 element for each of these sections.
      • Label them as Products and Cart respectively.
  • Make sure to only return one element to avoid an error.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and creating a render method. The render method should use a return statement to determine what JSX it should render onto the DOM. In this case we want to render two section elements with their own h1 element. Each section represents a "side" of the app. The first section will be the left side and the second section will be the right side.

Remember that a render method can only return one element. We will use a parent div as a container for our section and h1 elements.

    <div className="App">
      <section className="products">

      <section className="cart">


import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      products: [
          id: 1,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy hat',
          price: 12.99,
          description: 'has a feather in it.',
          id: 2,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy car',
          price: 15750.45,
          description: 'goes vroom vroom.',
          id: 3,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'simple rock',
          price: 5.0,
          description: 'it is a rock',
      cart: [],

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">

        <section className="cart">

Step 4

  • Open src/App.js.
  • In the product's section:
    • Use a map on the products array on state that returns JSX to render the product's information.
      • Use an img element for the product's imageUrl.
      • Use an h4 element for the product's title.
      • Use a p element for the product's description.
      • Use a p element for the product's price.
    • Also include a button that says "Add to Cart" for each product in the returned JSX.
    • Remeber to assign a key to the most parent element of the mapping to avoid an error.
      • You can use the product's id as a key since it is unique.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and scrolling down to JSX for the products section. Underneath the h1 element, let's use {} to break out of JSX and execute some JavaScript. We want to map over the products array on state and return a combination of elements to render all the information about the product. We'll want to use:

  • An img element for the product's imageUrl.
  • An h4 element for the product's title.
  • A p element for the product's description.
  • A p element for the product's price.

Remember that when mapping JSX elements the most parent element needs a key to avoid an error. We can use the product's id as the key since it is unique across all products.

<section className="products">
  {this.state.products.map(item => (
    <div key={item.id} className="product">
      <img src={item.imageUrl} />
      <button>Add to Cart</button>


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      products: [
          id: 1,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy hat',
          price: 12.99,
          description: 'has a feather in it.',
          id: 2,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy car',
          price: 15750.45,
          description: 'goes vroom vroom.',
          id: 3,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'simple rock',
          price: 5.0,
          description: 'it is a rock',
      cart: [],

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">
          {this.state.products.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <button>Add to Cart</button>

        <section className="cart">

Take the time to make your UI look similar to the UI below using CSS. CSS is not the main take away here. Do not stress about making it a perfect pixel/color match.

Step 5

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create a new method above the render method called addToCart.
    • This method should use one parameter to determine what product to add into the cart array on state.
    • This method should use the value of that parameter to push the new cart item into the cart array on state.
  • Add an onClick handler to call addToCart on the Add to Cart button.
    • Remember to call the method with the item to add.
    • Remember to wrap the method call in an arrow function to avoid an infinite call stack error.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and going above the render method. We want to create a new method here called addToCart. This method will be responsible for handling the addition of a new product into the user's cart array on state. We can use a parameter here to make the method dynamic. By dynamic I mean capable of adding any product into the cart.

We can use a handy es6 feature here to copy all the products that are already in the cart and simply add our new product in afterwards. This is called the spread operator. It is used by saying ...Array. Where Array is the array you want to copy.

      // Copy all products already in the cart array
      // then push our new item into the end of the cart array
      cart: [...this.state.cart, item]

Now that our new method is ready. Let's assign a new onClick handler for the Add to Cart button. Remember that if you need to call a method with an argument you need to wrap the method invocation in an arrow function. Otherwise, you will get an infinite call stack error.

<button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>Add to Cart</button>


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      products: [
          id: 1,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy hat',
          price: 12.99,
          description: 'has a feather in it.',
          id: 2,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy car',
          price: 15750.45,
          description: 'goes vroom vroom.',
          id: 3,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'simple rock',
          price: 5.0,
          description: 'it is a rock',
      cart: [],

  addToCart(item) {
      cart: [...this.state.cart, item],

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">
          {this.state.products.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>Add to Cart</button>

        <section className="cart">

Step 6

  • Open src/App.js.
  • In the cart's section:
    • Use a map on the cart array on state that returns JSX to render the cart's information.
      • Use an img element for the product's imageUrl.
      • Use an h4 element for the product's title.
      • Use a p element for the product's description.
      • Use a p element for the product's price.
    • Remeber to assign a key to the most parent element of the mapping to avoid an error.
      • You can use the product's id as a key since it is unique.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and scrolling down to JSX for the cart section. Underneath the h1 element, let's use {} to break out of JSX and execute some JavaScript. We want to map over the cart array on state and return a combination of elements to render all the information about the product in the cart. We'll want to use:

  • An img element for the product's imageUrl.
  • An h4 element for the product's title.
  • A p element for the product's description.
  • A p element for the product's price.

Remember that when mapping JSX elements, the most parent element needs a key to avoid an error. We can use the product's id as the key since it is unique across all products.

<section className="cart">
  {this.state.cart.map(item => (
    <div key={item.id} className="product">
      <img src={item.imageUrl} />


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      products: [
          id: 1,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy hat',
          price: 12.99,
          description: 'has a feather in it.',
          id: 2,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'fancy car',
          price: 15750.45,
          description: 'goes vroom vroom.',
          id: 3,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          title: 'simple rock',
          price: 5.0,
          description: 'it is a rock',
      cart: [],

  addToCart(item) {
      cart: [...this.state.cart, item],

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">
          {this.state.products.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>Add to Cart</button>

        <section className="cart">
          {this.state.cart.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />

Part 2


In this part, we will calculate and display the total price from the products in the cart on state. We will organize the products into categories and store them in seperate arrays on state. We'll then display the products by category with a header element to distinguish the different types of products. We'll also create a checkout button on the cart side that when clicked will empty out a user's cart on state and display an alert as a confirmation.

Step 1

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create new properties on state for different categories of products.
    • These properties should equal an array.
    • You can make up however many you would like. Some examples are:
      • shirts: [].
      • pants: [].
      • hats: [].
  • Move your product objects out of the products property on state into your new categories.
  • Delete the old products property from state.

This will break your application until we finish step 2.

Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and going to the state object. We're going to add new properties onto state that represent product categories. You can either make up your own or follow along. After we have made our new categories we can either move our existing products into the categories or make up brand new products. Lastly, we will delete the old products property.

This will break your application until we finish step 2.

this.state = {
  cart: [],
  hats: [
      id: 1,
      title: "Fisherman's Hat",
        'Headgear commonly used by fishermen. Increases fishing skill marginally.',
      price: 12.99,
      imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
      id: 2,
      title: 'Metal Hat',
      description: 'Uncomfortable, but sturdy.',
      price: 8.99,
      imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
  beachGear: [
      id: 3,
      title: 'Tent',
      description: 'Portable shelter.',
      price: 32.99,
      imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',


src/App.js (just the constructor method)
constructor() {
  this.state = {
    cart: [],
    hats: [
        id: 1,
        title: "Fisherman's Hat",
          "Headgear commonly used by fishermen. Increases fishing skill marginally.",
        price: 12.99,
        imageUrl: "https://via.placeholder.com/150x150"
        id: 2,
        title: "Metal Hat",
        description: "Uncomfortable, but sturdy.",
        price: 8.99,
        imageUrl: "https://via.placeholder.com/150x150"
    beachGear: [
        id: 3,
        title: "Tent",
        description: "Portable shelter.",
        price: 32.99,
        imageUrl: "https://via.placeholder.com/150x150"

Step 2

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Scroll down to the products section:
    • Remove the old map logic for products.
    • Create a map for every category on your state.
      • Just before the logic of the map. Add an h2 element just above it for the categories name.
    • The returned JSX should be almost the same as before:
      • Use an img element for the product's imageUrl.
      • Use an h4 element for the product's title.
      • Use a p element for the product's description.
      • Use a p element for the product's price.
  • Add your own JSX/CSS to make the product's information appear on the right side of the product's imageUrl.
    • Do this for the products that appear in the cart as well.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and scrolling down to the products section in the render method. We're going to remove the old mapping logic on products array on state because products no longer exists on state. Instead we are going to replace it with a map for every category on our state. In addition to the new maps we are going to add an h2 element just before it to visually display what category it is.

<section className="products">
  {this.state.hats.map(item => (
    <div key={item.id} className="product">
      <img src={item.imageUrl} />
      <div className="product-info">
        <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>Add to Cart</button>

  <h2>Beach Gear</h2>
  {this.state.beachGear.map(item => (
    <div key={item.id} className="product">
      <img src={item.imageUrl} />
      <div className="product-info">
        <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>Add to Cart</button>

You may have noticed my h4 and p elements are wrapped in a div. I did this to make it easier to use CSS to move that information to the right of the product's imageUrl. Using the same className I can apply to this to every map for products and cart sections.

<section className="cart">
  {this.state.cart.map(item => (
    <div key={item.id} className="product">
      <img src={item.imageUrl} />
      <div className="product-info">


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      cart: [],
      hats: [
          id: 1,
          title: "Fisherman's Hat",
            'Headgear commonly used by fishermen. Increases fishing skill marginally.',
          price: 12.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          id: 2,
          title: 'Metal Hat',
          description: 'Uncomfortable, but sturdy.',
          price: 8.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
      beachGear: [
          id: 3,
          title: 'Tent',
          description: 'Portable shelter.',
          price: 32.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',

  addToCart(item) {
      cart: [...this.state.cart, item],

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">
          {this.state.hats.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

          <h2>Beach Gear</h2>
          {this.state.beachGear.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

        <section className="cart">
          {this.state.cart.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">

Step 3

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Scroll down to the cart section:
    • Create an h2 element to display "Total $" and then the actual total after the dollar sign.
    • Place this h2 under the h1 that says "Cart".
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and scrolling down to the cart section. We're going to add a sub header that displays the user's current total. Underneath the h1 element that says "Cart", let's add an h2 element that says "Total $". After the dollar sign we want to add the actual total number.

We can use a high order function known as reduce. reduce can loop through an array and preform multiple operations for every element and then return a single value. This is perfect for us to determine the cart's total. A reduce is used by calling:

Array.reduce((total, elem) => {}, initialValue);

We can use this example to construct a reduce for our case. In our case the Array is this.state.cart. I'm going to name total to be totalPrice and elem to be product since the reduce is looping through products and we are trying to determine the total price. I'm also going to set initialValue to be 0 since a cart with no products should cost 0 dollars.

this.state.cart.reduce((totalPrice, product) => {}, 0);

Now we just need to tell the reduce what logic to execute. Since every product has a price and we want totalPrice to equal the cost of all the products we can say:

  (totalPrice, product) => (totalPrice += product.price),

Now totalPrice will hold the value of all the product's prices added together. Using this logic we can add it to the DOM using:

  Total: $
    (totalPrice, product) => (totalPrice += product.price),


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      cart: [],
      hats: [
          id: 1,
          title: "Fisherman's Hat",
            'Headgear commonly used by fishermen. Increases fishing skill marginally.',
          price: 12.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          id: 2,
          title: 'Metal Hat',
          description: 'Uncomfortable, but sturdy.',
          price: 8.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
      beachGear: [
          id: 3,
          title: 'Tent',
          description: 'Portable shelter.',
          price: 32.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',

  addToCart(item) {
      cart: [...this.state.cart, item],

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">
          {this.state.hats.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

          <h2>Beach Gear</h2>
          {this.state.beachGear.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

        <section className="cart">
            Total: $
              (totalPrice, product) => (totalPrice += product.price),
          {this.state.cart.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">

Step 4

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Scroll down to the cart section:
    • Create a new button that says "Checkout".
      • Add this button underneath the h2 element.
      • Add an onClick handler that calls a method called checkout.
  • Scroll above the render method:
    • Create a new method called checkout.
      • This method should empty the cart.
      • This method should display an alert that says "Purchase is complete!".
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and scrolling down to the cart section. Underneath the h2 element we are going to create a new button element that says "Checkout" and uses an onClick handler that calls a new checkout method.

<button onClick={this.checkout}>Checkout</button>

Now we need to actually make the checkout method. Let's scroll above the render method and add it. This method will need the correct context of this so we can update cart to an empty array. There are three ways to accomplish this. You could modify the onClick handler to use an arrow function. You could use this.checkout = this.checkout.bind(this) in the constructor method. Or you could make the method an arrow function. I'm going to make the method an arrow function.

Remember the method needs to set cart to an empty array and also call an alert with "Purchase is complete!".

checkout = () => {
  this.setState({ cart: [] });
  alert('Purchase is complete!');


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      cart: [],
      hats: [
          id: 1,
          title: "Fisherman's Hat",
            'Headgear commonly used by fishermen. Increases fishing skill marginally.',
          price: 12.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          id: 2,
          title: 'Metal Hat',
          description: 'Uncomfortable, but sturdy.',
          price: 8.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
      beachGear: [
          id: 3,
          title: 'Tent',
          description: 'Portable shelter.',
          price: 32.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',

  addToCart(item) {
      cart: [...this.state.cart, item],

  checkout = () => {
    this.setState({ cart: [] });
    alert('Purchase is complete!');

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">
          {this.state.hats.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

          <h2>Beach Gear</h2>
          {this.state.beachGear.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

        <section className="cart">
            Total: $
              (totalPrice, product) => (totalPrice += product.price),
          <button onClick={this.checkout}>Checkout</button>
          {this.state.cart.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">

Part 3


In this part, we will add two text input fields on the cart side of our app. These will take in a mailing address and a credit-card number from the user. We want to verify that these fields have been filled out and are not empty when the user goes to checkout. If the user attempts to checkout without filling out both of these fields, call an alert which will inform them of the error.

Step 1

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Add two new properties onto state:
    • address initialized as ''.
    • creditCard initialized as ''.
  • Scroll down to the cart section:
    • Create a div element that holds two input elements.
      • Move this div element inbetween the Checkout button and the h2 element.
    • One input should handle the address.
      • Give this input a value of address on state.
      • Give this input an onChange handler that calls a new handleAddressInput method.
    • The other input should handle the creditCard.
      • Give this input a value of creditCard on state.
      • Give this input an onChange handler that calls a new handleCreditCardInput method.
  • Above the render method create a new handleAddressInput method:
    • This method should accept the event as an argument.
    • This method should use the event.target.value to update the value of address on state.
  • Above the render method create a new handleCreditCardInput method:
    • This method should accept the event as an argument.
    • This method should use the event.target.value to update the value of creditCard on state.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/App.js and adding a couple new values onto state. We'll add a property for address and creditCard and initialize them as empty strings.

constructor() {
  this.state = {
    cart: [],
    address: "",
    creditCard: "",
    hats: [
        id: 1,
        title: "Fisherman's Hat",
          "Headgear commonly used by fishermen. Increases fishing skill marginally.",
        price: 12.99,
        imageUrl: "https://via.placeholder.com/150x150"
        id: 2,
        title: "Metal Hat",
        description: "Uncomfortable, but sturdy.",
        price: 8.99,
        imageUrl: "https://via.placeholder.com/150x150"
    beachGear: [
        id: 3,
        title: "Tent",
        description: "Portable shelter.",
        price: 32.99,
        imageUrl: "https://via.placeholder.com/150x150"

Now that we have our values on state let's go down to the cart section and add a div element that holds two input elements. One input should be responsible for address and the other should be responsible for creditCard on state. We can do this by setting a value and onChange attribute onto the input element. Let's put this div element inbetween the h2 element and the Checkout button.

<section className="cart">
    Total: $
      (totalPrice, product) => (totalPrice += product.price),

  <div className="inputs">
      placeholder="credit card number"

  <button onClick={this.checkout}>Checkout</button>

  {this.state.cart.map(item => (
    <div key={item.id} className="product">
      <img src={item.imageUrl} />
      <div className="product-info">

Now let's create our handleAddressInput and handleCreditCardInput methods above the render method. Remember we have three ways to bind the correct context of this. I'm going to use an arrow function again. It's also important to know that the default behavior of the onChange handler is to pass the event object as the first argument to the specified call back function. In this case that is handleAddressInput and handleCreditCardInput. I'm going to use a parameter name of e which is short for event.

handleAddressInput = e => {
  this.setState({ address: e.target.value });

handleCreditCardInput = e => {
  this.setState({ creditCard: e.target.value });


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      cart: [],
      address: '',
      creditCard: '',
      hats: [
          id: 1,
          title: "Fisherman's Hat",
            'Headgear commonly used by fishermen. Increases fishing skill marginally.',
          price: 12.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
          id: 2,
          title: 'Metal Hat',
          description: 'Uncomfortable, but sturdy.',
          price: 8.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',
      beachGear: [
          id: 3,
          title: 'Tent',
          description: 'Portable shelter.',
          price: 32.99,
          imageUrl: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150x150',

  addToCart(item) {
      cart: [...this.state.cart, item],

  checkout = () => {
    this.setState({ cart: [] });
    alert('Purchase is complete!');

  handleAddressInput(e) {
    this.setState({ address: e.target.value });

  handleCreditCardInput(e) {
    this.setState({ creditCard: e.target.value });

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <section className="products">
          {this.state.hats.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

          <h2>Beach Gear</h2>
          {this.state.beachGear.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">
                <button onClick={() => this.addToCart(item)}>
                  Add to Cart

        <section className="cart">
            Total: $
              (totalPrice, product) => (totalPrice += product.price),

          <div className="inputs">
              placeholder="credit card number"

          <button onClick={this.checkout}>Checkout</button>

          {this.state.cart.map(item => (
            <div key={item.id} className="product">
              <img src={item.imageUrl} />
              <div className="product-info">

Step 2

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Scroll down to the checkout method:
    • Update the logic to check that address and creditCard are not empty.
    • If they are empty alert the user with "Please fill out the required fields.".
    • Otherwise do the logic we already had in place.


src/App.js (just the checkout method)
checkout = () => {
  if (this.state.address.length > 0 && this.state.creditCard.length > 0) {
    this.setState({ cart: [] });
    alert('Purchase is complete!');
  } else {
    alert('Please fill out the required fields.');

Part 4 - Black Diamond


In this part, we will keep track of the quantity of a product if the user wants to purchase more than one of a product. We will also add the functionality to remove a product from the cart. We'll then use conditional rendering to allow toggling between a list and card view. Lastly, we'll update the cart's UI to display the quantity of an item and fix the logic for our total to accomdate for quantities.

Step 1

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Update your products to have a quantity property that is initialized as 0.
  • Scroll down to the addToCart method:
    • Modify the logic to check if the product is already in the cart:
      • If it is, update it's quantity property by 1.
      • If it isn't, add the product to the end of cart and up it's quantity by 1.

You're going to need to rely heavily on Object.assign here to avoid mutating state directly.

Step 2

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Fix the total h2 element to account for multiple quantites of an item.
  • Update the cart map to display the quantity of the product.

Step 3

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create a new deleteFromCart method:
    • This method should use an id parameter to figure out what element to remove.
    • This method should either remove the product entirely or subtract it's quantity by one.
  • Scroll down to the cart section:
    • Add a new button element that says "Remove from Cart" in the map logic.
      • Add an onClick handler that calls the deleteFromCart method and passes in the id of the product.

Remember to use Object.assign similarily to the addToCart method to avoid mutating state directly.

Step 4

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Create a new property on state called cardView and initialize it to true.
  • Create a new button element at the top of the products section:
    • This button should say "Toggle View".
    • This button should use an onClick handler that calls a new method called handleToggleView.
  • Create a new handleToggleView method that sets cardView to its opposite value:
    • If it is true set it tofalse` and vice versa.

Step 5

  • Open src/App.js.
  • Use conditional rendering to change the style of the products when cardView is either true or false.