name:			Eddy J. Tang
ONE Card number:	1430371
Unix id: 		ejtang
lecture section:	A1
instructor's name:	Neil Burch
lab section: 		D04
TA's name:		Chao Gao

Compile by typing make.

Ensure that the executable Sketchpad.jar is in the current directory to make sure the program works.

run by typing 

./lander -g [gravity] -t [thrust] -f [inputfile] -i(optional)

Where the inputfile is any file with valid input for a landscape for the lunarlander game.
The thruster has to be a value between 0 and -20.
The gravity had to be a value beween 0 and 20.

Collaberation includes 

- the idea of using offsets x and y to print the ship
  instead of moving the ship itself. From Malcolm Fischer.
- init_ncurses and shutdown_ncurses from the example files
  included in the files provided for us for this assignment
- bits of the timer code from and handle_timeout; also from
  the example files provided to us for this assignment
- and most of the lineSegmentIntersect code from the link provided to us
  in the assignment description.

Improvements made (only availiable when ran with -i option)

- use of flags with getopts. Our input can be recieved in any order
  and works just like the one in the example lander. Detection
  of flags as well as detection of unknown flags are also done.
- screen wrapping. So when the ship is about to go off the right side of
  the screen, it will reappear on the left and vice versa. If the ship 
  appears under the landscape, then it will have crashed.
- when the ship lands the thruster is always removed after landing.
  (I feel that this is more logical and looks better.)
- players are now allowed to press r anytime and restart the game.
- stablization now availiable!!! players are now able to activate
  a stalizer in their ship for smooth landing, all you have to
  do is press 's' to activate or deactivate it.

Improvements made (availiable without the -i option)
- unlimited amount of line segments in the landscape file