cmd run as administrator
git clone
cd DeepMosaics
cd V:\DEEP_MOSAIC\DeepMosaics
conda create -n deep_mosaic_20231105 python=3.6
conda activate deep_mosaic_20231105
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install torch opencv_pyth numpy matplotlib tensorboardX scikit-image cv2
pip install -r requirements.txt
run (ex : image removing blur)
python --media_path "input_file/mosaicimg.jpg" --model_path "pretrained_models/mosaic/clean_face_HD.pth" --gpu_id 0
run (ex : image removing mosaic youknow)
python --media_path "input_file/she.jpg" --model_path "pretrained_models/mosaic/clean_youknow_resnet_9blocks.pth" --gpu_id 0
run (ex : video removing mosaic youknow)
python --media_path "input_file/v_mosaic.mp4" --model_path "pretrained_models/mosaic/clean_youknow_video.pth" --fps 24 --gpu_id 0 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:50 --result_dir "result" --mask_threshold 64
English | 中文
You can use it to automatically remove the mosaics in images and videos, or add mosaics to them.
This project is based on "semantic segmentation" and "Image-to-Image Translation".
Try it at this website!
origin | auto add mosaic | auto clean mosaic |
- Compared with DeepCreamPy
mosaic image | DeepCreamPy | ours |
- Style Transfer
origin | to Van Gogh | to winter |
An interesting example:Ricardo Milos to cat
You can either run DeepMosaics via a pre-built binary package, or from source.
You can simply try to remove the mosaic on the face at this website.
For Windows, we bulid a GUI version for easy testing.
Download this version, and a pre-trained model via [Google Drive] [百度云,提取码1x0a]
- [Help document]
- Video tutorial => [youtube] [bilibili]
- Requires Windows_x86_64, Windows10 is better.
- Different pre-trained models are suitable for different effects.[Introduction to pre-trained models]
- Run time depends on computers performance (GPU version has better performance but requires CUDA to be installed).
- If output video cannot be played, you can try with potplayer.
- GUI version updates slower than source.
- Linux, Mac OS, Windows
- Python 3.6+
- ffmpeg 3.4.6
- Pytorch 1.0+
This code depends on opencv-python, torchvision available via pip install.
git clone
cd DeepMosaics
You can download pre_trained models and put them into './pretrained_models'.
[Google Drive] [百度云,提取码1x0a]
[Introduction to pre-trained models]
In order to add/remove mosaic, there must be a model file mosaic_position.pth
at ./pretrained_models/mosaic/mosaic_position.pth
(Optional) Create a virtual environment
virtualenv mosaic
source mosaic/bin/activate
Then install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you can not build scikit-image
, running export CFLAGS='-Wno-implicit-function-declaration
then try to rebuild.
- Add Mosaic (output media will be saved in './result')
python --media_path ./imgs/ruoruo.jpg --model_path ./pretrained_models/mosaic/add_face.pth --gpu_id 0
- Clean Mosaic (output media will save in './result')
python --media_path ./result/ruoruo_add.jpg --model_path ./pretrained_models/mosaic/clean_face_HD.pth --gpu_id 0
If you see the error Please check mosaic_position_model_path!
, check if there is a model file named mosaic_position.pth
at ./pretrained_models/mosaic/mosaic_position.pth
If you want to test other images or videos, please refer to this file.
If you want to train with your own dataset, please refer to
This code borrows heavily from [pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix] [Pytorch-UNet] [pix2pixHD] [BiSeNet] [DFDNet] [GFRNet_pytorch_new].