
EKYCSolutions Node SDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript


EkycID Node SDK

NodeJS SDK for EKYCSolutions API

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Fastify Routes Plugin


Getting Started

  1. create a new nodejs project, mkdir my-awesome-app && cd my-awesome-app && npm init -y
  2. install your choice of server library, eg: npm i fastify
  3. for ml-vision sdk, install the library npm i got @ekycsolutions/client @ekycsolutions/ml-vision
  4. prepare an id card photo to be used for this testing and the following code will call an ocr request to do id-ocr so save the code at main.mjs
// my-awesome-app/main.mjs

// NOTE: the below code is for testing purpose,
// please follow javascript best practices and
// apply some coding patterns

// for api references, please visit: https://docs.ews.ekycsolutions.com
import path from 'path';

import Fastify from 'fastify';
import { EkycClient } from '@ekycsolutions/client';
import { MLVision } from '@ekycsolutions/ml-vision';

const ekycClient = new EkycClient({
  auth: {
    clientCertSavePath: '/tmp/client.cert.pem',
    clientCertKeySavePath: '/tmp/client.key.pem',
    apiKeyPath: path.resolve('./', 'api-key.json'),

const mlVision = new MLVision(ekycClient);

const fastify = Fastify({
  logger: true,

fastify.post('/test-id-ocr', async (req, reply) => {
  const result = await mlVision.ocr({
    isRaw: true,
    objectType: 'national_id',
    imageUrl: req.body['imageUrl'],


fastify.listen(5000, (err) => {
  if (err) {
  1. run the server node main.mjs
  2. test the endpoint curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/test-id-ocr -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"imageUrl": "https://example.com/sample-national-id.jpg"}'

Fastify Routes Plugin

We also provide fastify plugin that has predefined routes for all our ml api

  1. create a new nodejs project, mkdir my-awesome-app && cd my-awesome-app && npm init -y

  2. install some deps, npm i got @ekycsolutions/client @ekycsolutions/fastify-routes @ekycsolutions/ml-vision @fastify/multipart @fastify/static fastify fastify-plugin

    NOTE: if you test the sdk in local environment, also install ngrok by doing npm i ngrok --dev and run ngrok http 5000, and save the address for later used below

  3. prepare an id card photo to be used for this testing and the following code will call an ocr request to do id-ocr so save the code at main.mjs

// my-awesome-app/main.mjs

// NOTE: the below code is for testing purpose,
// please follow javascript best practices and
// apply some coding patterns

// for api references, please visit: https://docs.ews.ekycsolutions.com
import path from 'path';

import Fastify from 'fastify';
import { ekycRoutesPlugin } from '@ekycsolutions/fastify-routes';

const fastify = Fastify({
  logger: true,

fastify.register(ekycRoutesPlugin, {
  ekycPluginArgs: {
    auth: {
      clientCertSavePath: '/tmp/client.cert.pem',
      clientCertKeySavePath: '/tmp/client.key.pem',
      apiKeyPath: path.resolve('./', 'api-key.json'),
  ekycRoutesPluginArgs: {
    // for local development, copy address returned from ngrok
    // and pass it here
    serverUrl: 'example.com',

    // for non local development
    // serverUrl: 'x.x.x.x:xxxxx'
    // serverUrl: 'example.com'

    // non local development that uses local storage driver
    // but does not run dedicated file server
    // true by default
    // isServeUploadFiles: true,

    // valid value are 'local'
    // fileStorageDriver: 'local',

    // hook to get api result before sending
    // response to client
    onMlApiResult: (onMlApiResult, metadata) => {
      console.log('==== ml api result ====');
      console.log(JSON.stringify(onMlApiResult, null, 2));
      console.log('==== ml api metadata ====');

fastify.listen({ port: 5000 }, err => {
  if (err) {
  1. run the server node main.mjs
  2. test the endpoint curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/v0/ocr -F image=@/path/to/national-id-card.jpg -F objectType=NATIONAL_ID_0