
This is a News Website App that is primarily concerned with making its users get information and updates about latest happenings around the globe(world).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

News Web App

This is a News Website App that is primarily concerned with making its users get information and updates about latest happenings around the globe(world).


  • The home page presents users with all available news sources.
  • To view articles from a preferred source the user has to click on that source
  • User can opt to use the navbar which presents a more organized drodown of available sources repective of category.
  • Users can also choose to read articles from top headlines.
  • For further explanation check on Spec.md

Behavior Driven Development

Input Behaviour Output
Data from index mark up Homepage loads Displays all news sources
Click on any news source New page loads All articles from the souce gets displayed
Click on read more New page loads Redirects to the specific article page

View Live Site here

View the complete site here

Technologies Used

- Python 3.6
- Flask Framework
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Git

Set-up and Installation

1. Clone or download the Repo
2. Create a virtual environment
3. Read the specs and requirements files and Install all the requirements.
4. Edit the start.sh file with your api key from the news.org website   
6. Run chmod a+x start.py
7. Run ./start.py
8. Access the application through `localhost:5000`

Known bugs

No known bugs until now, if you encounter any issues Hola me on kibetedgar@gmail.com.


This software is Licenced under MIT Licence Copyright 2018 Edgar