Hello, My Friends
Thank you for having interest in this repository !

To use this application,

  1. make dev.js file inside config folder
  2. put mongoDB info into dev.js file
  3. Type " npm install " inside the root directory ( Download Server Dependencies )
  4. Type " npm install " inside the client directory ( Download Front-end Dependencies )
  5. Type " npm run dev " inside the root directory

If you have problem, feel free to ask me ^^

You can watch the tutorial for this app.


/// Drop-zone (to uplead files) --> Type "npm install react-dropzone --save" inside the client directory

/// Dependency (to save files into node server) --> 1. Type "npm install multer --save" inside the root directory 2. Type " npm run dev " inside the root directory

/// Dependency (to create thumbnail) --> download ffmpeg into window (refer to https://hello-bryan.tistory.com/230) --> 1. Type "brew install ffmpeg" inside the root directory
--> 2. Type "npm install fluent-ffmpeg" inside the root directory "# YouTube_website"