Primary LanguagePython


Download the CPPID dataset here. [https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cBGJGWx6as2WjOVNFFcbOw?pwd=zc8i Key:zc8i]

For training

  1. Download the CPPID dataset.
  2. Generate the train.txt and val.txt(train_max.txt and val_max.txt) using the generate_dataset.py, where you should change the data directory with your URL.
  3. Training the model using train_multi_input.py for the full version of the proposed model or using train_max_input.py for max-input version of the model. Remenber to change your URL of train_max.txt and val_max.txt.

For inference

  1. Download the previously trained model on max-input petrographic images here.[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-EpDYx1jQBv1bRiEIbrHhA?pwd=7cl4 Key:7cl4]
  2. Download the previously trained model on multi-input petrographic images here.[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qhzmmhwfU30AFEmnbcQn7Q?pwd=r4wu Key:r4wu]
  3. Evaluate the model using evaluation.py or evaluation_max.py.

Results after post-processing
