
This enables PIN code change on objects like doors/gates/hatches/drawbridges etc. So you don't have to remove and replace an object to change the PIN code.

Primary LanguageSQF


This enables PIN code change on objects like doors/gates/hatches/drawbridges etc. So you don't have to remove and replace an object to change the PIN code.


  • Replace @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_lock_network_setPin.sqf

  • Add this to class Construction of the CfgInteractionMenus inside mission config.cpp

      class ChangePinCode : ExileAbstractAction
      		title = "Change PIN";
      		condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0) && (call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory)";
      		action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_lock_setPin";

License Info: If you server is named KFB (Kentucky Fried Bambi) you have no permission to use this. Any violation will result in a DMCA.