On button press the character will use a appropriate medicine depending on the severity of the damage. Makes it a bit easier, fluid and less immersion breaking to consume healing items in Exile.

  • To balance it a bit the system only detects medicine items in Uniform or Vest.
  • If no appropriate medicine was found the script will use any available med the player has.
  • If the player is bleeding it will use a medicine from the allowed LightMeds array. So it's better to add only items that stop the bleeding (bandages, dressing etc) to the LightMeds array.
  • Checks for basic exploits/bugs already in place (Animation skipping, using it while swimming etc).
  • Sound effect to mimic the sound of searching for a appropriate medicine, error toast with information and sound clue if no medicine was found in the vest or uniform.
  • Code examples for putting it on a normal number row key like 8 or custom user action are included (Optional or use them both).


  1. Add/adjust a CfgExileCustomCode override for ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp to include the part needed for the hotkey or custom user action button press.

Example Screenshot of the code part for ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp. grafik

  1. Download ExileClient_system_util_QuickSelfTreat and place it in your missionfile and define the new function
  • Easily done via initplayerlocal.sqf for example like below (Adjust pathes to your likings).

      private ['_code', '_function', '_file'];
      	_code = '';
      	_function = _x select 0;
      	_file = _x select 1;
      	_code = compileScript [_file];
      	missionNamespace setVariable [_function, _code];

Add this to config.cpp of your missionfile and adjust to settings/classnames to your likings.

class CfgRWSelfTreat
	// Minimum damage in percent for the hotkey self treatment to react.
	minHkHDamage = 10;
	// Add the classnames of the meds for each severity/damage level array, so the script will pick a appropriate one.
	// If no appropriate med was found the script will use any available med the player has inside Uniform or Vest.
	// 5 -> 20% damge
	LightMeds[] =
	// 20 -> 50% damge
	MidMeds[] =
	// 50 -> 99% damge
	StrongMeds[] =