
Soundcraft Show format reverse engineering — Tested on SI Compact 16

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Soundcraft Si show file format



Soundcraft SHow?


Actual format is XML.

Unfortunately it's full of blobs but don't worry!

XML Sections




  • name: (str) This is a cleartext attribute with the show name! Yay :)


  • name: (str) Looks like a path and filename.
    • "._ $SHOWS\Show_0\filename.ext"
  • checksum: (int) Undetermined checksum. (Yet!)
    • TODO: determine checksum type.
  • datalength: (int) Size of the uncompressed data blob in bytes.
  • content: blob


All blobs seem to start with the same header: 'eJz'.

Looks like some kind of data encoding or compression.

Base64? Most likely. The resulting files looks encoded or compressed though…

78 9C header. Doesn't that look like zlib? \o/


Decode & Extract

< "XML MHxDFile entity content in a file" base64 -d | zlib-flate -uncompress > file

Compress & Encode

< file zlib-flate -compress | base64 -w0 > "XML MHxDFile entity content in a file"



The general show informations as this section is always unique.


  • Name: (str) The show name.
  • activeCueList: (int) The cueListId of the currently active cueList.
    • 1
  • notes: (str) Does not seem to be exposed on the mixing desk!
    • ""
  • deskType: (int) I have to find the other types.
    • 12 == Si Compact 16
    • 97 == Si Expression 2
  • versionMajor: (int) The major version number of the firmware.
    • 3
  • versionMinor: (int) The minor version number of the firmware.
    • 1
  • build: (int) The build version number of the firmware.
    • 9


  • snapshotId: (int)
  • name: (str) "Unamed Snapshot 4" Does not seem to be exposed on the mixing desk!
  • notes: (str) Does not seem to be exposed on the mixing desk!
    • ""


  • cueListId: (int)
    • 1
  • name: (str)
    • "Cue List 1"
  • nextCueId: (int) ID for the next created cue.
  • notes: (str)
    • ""



Isolate statuses.



  • category: (int)
    • TODO: determine categories
  • mask: (int)
    • TODO: determine mask relationship


  • cueId: (int) An ID for the cue.
  • snapshotId: (int) Binds the cue to a snapshot.
  • name: (str) The name of the cue.
  • notes: (str) Does not seem to be exposed on the mixing desk!
    • ""
  • midiProgChange: (bool as int) Enables midi program changing on cue recall.
  • midiChannel: (int) The MIDI channel onto which sending the program change.
  • midiProgNumber: (int) The MIDI program change message number.
  • midiRxChannel: (int) The MIDI channel onto which receiving program changes.
  • midiRxProgChange: (int) The MIDI program change message number. Yeah, someone mixed up this setting and the next!
  • midiRxProgNumber: (bool as int) Enables cue recall on MIDI progam change reception. Yeah, someone mixed up this setting and the previous!
  • hiQVenueRecall: (bool as int) Enables recalling HiQnet venue on cue recall.
  • hiQVenueNumber: (int) The HiQnet venue number to recall.
  • cueActive: (bool as int?) Does not seem to be exposed on the mixing desk!
  • cueLocked: (bool as int?) Does not seem to be exposed on the mixing desk!
  • dmxFadeTime: (int) My desk is not equiped with DMX but the performer model has a DMX port.
  • audioRecall: (bool as int?) Certainly for the performer model to allow recalling only audio.
  • dmxRecall: (bool as int?) Certainly for the performer model to allow recalling only DMX.


Looks like the routing informations for the Show.




  • shortName: (str) The input or output name.
  • description (str) Long description.
  • serialNo: (int)
    • 39030 on all.
  • versionNo: (int)
    • 256 on all.
  • position: (int)
    • 255 for internal.
    • 0 for external.
  • expansionCardType: (int)
    • 0 for internal and D21m stagebox.
    • 2 for MULTI DIGITAL and MADI cards.
  • moduleType: (int)
    • 1 for internal.
    • 2 for MULTI DIGITAL and MADI cards.
    • 3 for D21m stagebox.
  • internalModuleType: (int)
    • 0 for MULTI DIGITAL and MADI cards and D21m stagebox.
    • 1 for MIC.
    • 2 for Line and internal Lexicon return.
    • 3 for GRAUX output module.
    • 5 for AES in.
    • 6 for AES out.


  • shortName: (str)
    • "" on all.
  • description: (str)
    • "" on all.
  • serialNo: (int)
    • 4660 on all.
  • audioDeviceType: (int)
    • 1 for all internal.
    • 5 for my MULTI DIGITAL card.



  • logicalStart: (int) The I/O position start.
  • logicalEnd: (int) The I/O position end.
  • IOmoduleType: (int)
    • 1 for all internal.
    • 2 for my external MULTI DIGITAL card.
    • 3 for D21m stagebox cards.
  • logicalIOType: (int)
    • 1 for MIC inputs.
    • 2 for Line inputs.
    • 3 for Internal Lexicon return.
    • 5 for AES input.
    • 6 for MIC/Line In from D21m stagebox.
    • 8 for GRAUX output module.
    • 13 and 14 for Line/AES Out from D21m stagebox.
    • 17 for AES output.
    • 4 for external inputs ?
    • 12 for external outputs ?
  • discovered: (bool as int?)
    • 1 for all.
  • inShow: (bool as int?)
    • 1 for all.
  • eAvailable: (bool as int?) Electrically available?
    • 1 for physical I/O.
    • 0 for inexistant I/O (MIC 16 to 63).


Same as InternalAudioDevice for my MULTI DIGITAL card.

*.dat files

Looks like memory dumps. 180kB. Very similar content.

Start with "Snapshot" header.


Purpose unknown. Certainly the current state since it's restored on show loading.


x = snaphotId from ShowHdr.xml

Looks like the cues. The number of sections match the number of cues of the show.