

Primary LanguageCommon Workflow LanguageGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Rare Diseases workflow for WES-TES

This is an adaptation of Wetlab2Variations CWL workflow to make it compatible with the integrated WES-TES workflow execution environment. Most of the work was done by contributors of the upstream repository.


To run this workflow you will need:

  1. the URL of WES-TES execution environment, where the workflow will be executed
  2. 5 indirect input files containing the data accessible to your workflow (e.g. present in the Local Site Storage or User Workspace of the WES-TES, where the workflow will be executed):
  • 2 fastq files
  • a reference genome file
  • a known sites file
  • a known indels file
  1. 4 direct input files containing URLs of the above mentioned input files, that also need to be accessible to your workflow (e.g. uploaded to the User Workspace of the execution environment)
  2. the URL of the workflow itself
  3. Inputs for the workflow described as a JSON file, if you want to interact with the WES API directly, or YAML file, if you want to use WesCli command line utility.


  1. We will assume workflow execution environment to be installed at:
  1. The datasets are present in the Local Site Storage of the environment and accesible to workflows above under URLs:
Input URL
Fastq http://site-storage/rd/full/U5c_CCGTCC_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
Reference genome http://site-storage/rd/full/hs37d5.fa.gz
Known sites http://site-storage/rd/full/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz
Known indels http://site-storage/rd/full/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf
  1. Direct input files are present in the User Workspace:
Input name External URL Internal URL Contents
curl_reference_genome_url https://wes-tes-example.tsi.ebi.ac.uk/data/tmp/rd/full/reference_seq_url.txt file:///data/tmp/rd/full/reference_seq_url.txt Link
curl_fastq_urls https://wes-tes-example.tsi.ebi.ac.uk/data/tmp/rd/full/fastq_files_urls.txt file:///data/tmp/rd/full/fastq_files_urls.txt Link
curl_known_indels_url https://wes-tes-example.tsi.ebi.ac.uk/data/tmp/rd/full/known_indels_url.txt file:///data/tmp/rd/full/known_indels_url.txt Link
curl_known_sites_url https://wes-tes-example.tsi.ebi.ac.uk/data/tmp/rd/full/known_sites_url.txt file:///data/tmp/rd/full/known_sites_url.txt Link
  1. The workflow URL: https://github.com/EMBL-EBI-TSI/RD_pipeline_demo/blob/master/workflow.cwl
  2. Run the workflow using WesCli:
wes run rd_pipeline.yaml

from a directory that contains this file and with WesCli installed.

Or alternatively call the RunWorkflow POST API endpoint directly; you can use Swagger UI - at the example site it will be present at https://wes-tes-example.tsi.ebi.ac.uk/ga4gh/wes/v1/ui/#!/WorkflowExecutionService/RunWorkflow - to help you construct and/or execute the call. Parameters:

workflow_params : {
      "chromosome": "1",
      "curl_fastq_urls": {
        "class": "File",
        "path": "file:///data/tmp/rd/full/fastq_files_urls.txt"
      "curl_known_indels_url": {
        "class": "File",
        "path": "file:///data/tmp/rd/full/known_indels_url.txt"
      "curl_known_sites_url": {
        "class": "File",
        "path": "file:///data/tmp/rd/full/known_sites_url.txt"
      "curl_reference_genome_url": {
        "class": "File",
        "path": "file:///data/tmp/rd/full/reference_seq_url.txt"
      "lftp_out_conf": {
        "class": "File",
        "path": "http:///data/tmp/lftp.txt"
      "readgroup_str": "@RG\\tID:Seq01p\\tSM:Seq01\\tPL:ILLUMINA\\tPI:330",
      "sample_name": "abc1"
    workflow_type: cwl
    workflow_type_version: v1.0
    workflow_url: https://github.com/EMBL-EBI-TSI/RD_pipeline_demo/blob/master/workflow.cwl