Transfer SimpleCA certificates between GridFTP servers and clients.
SimpleCA certificates are generated when installing the globus-gsi package. This role will create rpm packages from with the contents of the certificates to be installed on GridFTP clients.
Because of the way the transfer of the rpm package works the transfer needs to occur in order using two different plays (see example below). The first play will generate the rpm package on the server and copy it to the local ansible machine. The second play then pushes the rpm package to the clients where it gets installed.
See meta/main.yml
See defaults/main.yml
- hosts: gridftp-servers
- {role: simpleca, simpleca_mode: server}
- hosts: gridftp-clients
- {role: simpleca, simpleca_mode: client}
- Support transfer between servers.
Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.
Luis Gracia