RLHF Wrapper for OpenAI's Gym Library

Primary LanguagePython


RLHF Wrapper for OpenAI's Gym Library

First time run

git clone <REPO>
chmod u+x build.sh run.sh
  • For the second run so on, you can just run the following commmand: ./run.sh

  • The app directory of the container is mounted to the app directory of the host machine. So, you can edit the code in the host machine and run it in the container.

  • Please add any new library that you work with to the requirements.txt file.

Project Structure

  • app directory contains the source code of the project in the container. The following are in this directory:

    • dataset directory includes the synthetic dataset that is used in the project to mimic the human preference data for the reward modeling.

    • models directory includes the trained models that are used in the project.

    • src contains the source code for the RLHF specific wrappers and the training code for the RLHF.

      • data/synthetic-generation.py is the code to generate the synthetic preference dataset.

      • environment.py is the MiniGrid environment wrapper for the RLHF.

      • The rest of the scripts belong to the RLHF training code.