This repository contains the codebase supporting the findings of the paper "Temporal Graph Neural Networks Fail to Capture Global Temporal Dynamics." The repository focuses on exploring the limitations of temporal graph neural networks in capturing global temporal dynamics. This work utilizes code from the Original Challenge Benchmark Repo.
To bring evaluation results closer to real-world usefulness, we propose an improved evaluation method. This involves generating negative samples based on the popularity of items. Run the following script to generate these samples:
python tgb/datasets/dataset_scripts/
The generated negative samples will be saved in output/popular_neg_samples/{dataset_name}
Run the following command to evaluate EdgeBank:
python examples/linkproppred/ --data <your-data-here> --mem_mode unlimited
- Naive Negative Sampling:
python examples/linkproppred/ --data <your-data-here> --sampling-strategy naive
- Temporal Popularity Negative Sampling:
python examples/linkproppred/ --data <your-data-here> --random-ratio 0.1 --sampling-strategy popularity
is the ratio of naive negative samples to temporal popularity negative samples.
- Naive Negative Sampling:
python examples/linkproppred/ --data <your-data-here> --sampling-strategy naive
- Temporal Popularity Negative Sampling:
python examples/linkproppred/ --data <your-data-here> --random-ratio 0.1 --sampling-strategy popularity
Replace <your-data-here>
with the dataset you intend to use (e.g., tgbl-coin).
To run the temporal popularity baseline for dynamic link property prediction, execute:
python examples/linkproppred/
This repository also includes notebook that present an analysis on measuring global temporal dynamics in temporal graph datasets. The analysis is based on the findings described in our paper and aims to quantify how much information recent global destination node popularity provides for future edges in a temporal graph dataset.
To explore this analysis, refer to the notebook notebooks/tgb_nonstationarity.ipynb
The project website can be found here.
The API documentations can be found here.
all dataset download links can be found at
TGB dataloader will also automatically download the dataset as well as the negative samples for the link property prediction datasets.
if website is unaccessible, please use this link instead.
Our implementation works with python >= 3.9 and can be installed as follows
- set up virtual environment (conda should work as well)
python -m venv ~/tgb_env/
source ~/tgb_env/bin/activate
- install external packages
pip install pandas==1.5.3
pip install matplotlib==3.7.1
pip install clint==0.5.1
install Pytorch and PyG dependencies (needed to run the examples)
pip install torch==2.0.0 --index-url
pip install torch_geometric==2.3.0
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f
- install local dependencies under root directory
pip install -e .
Our implementation works with python >= 3.9 and has the following dependencies
pytorch == 2.0.0
torch-geometric == 2.3.0