This app allows you to virtually tour any place on the planet! Simply drop a pin anywhere on the map, and instantly browse nearby Flickr photos. It’s like you’re really there...or something.
- Persist user map configuration to Plist
- User can place pin on Map by using the touch and hold gesture
- When a pin is selected, download images for the pin location using the
Flickr API
- Images and Pin location are persisted using
Core Data
- User can delete saved pins and images
- User can reload a location's image collection
Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd Virtual-Tourist
- Open the file
using Xcode - Navigate to
VirtualTourist/Models/Network/Network Requests/FlickrParams.swift
- Add your Flickr key between empty quotes
line 13 - Click on the play button at the top left corner to build and run the project