
The Gitlab Runner's base Docker image used to run all pipelines within the Startfleet's organisation

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This project describes the gitlab runner that will execute our pipeline steps. In this project's CI, the gitlab-runner is built and the other projecst' CI/CD will use it.

Content of the runner image

The runner's base image is debian:stable and the following packages are installed :

  • kubectl version 1.17.0
  • hasura-cli v1.1.1
  • ansible version 2.7.7+dfsg-1 (and its dependancies)

Build process

The image is built with docker:dind 19.03.1 in this project CI.

Name convention

Basically the CI will build 2 types of images : testing and production images. Testing images' names are based on the non tagged branches' names (e.g master, your-branch-name, etc...) while production images are named with the tags' names (e.g v1.0, v1.1, etc...).