This is the official repository for the online course 'Cubes & Clouds'
Jupyter NotebookCC-BY-4.0
- 15
Pangeo kernel for EOX College
#45 opened by annefou - 3
Adding Github action & Jupyter-book to render nb
#43 opened by annefou - 8
Implement Pangeo notebooks
#44 opened by tinaok - 2
Study the correspondant catalogue creations
#46 opened by tinaok - 2
Unified Python Kernel for running MOOC Exercise
#41 opened by Ruphai - 15
install all-contributors
#11 opened by przell - 1
Embed S2 Tile Calculator in md
#36 opened by przell - 3
- 2
Introduce Pangeo in the MOOC
#47 opened by annefou - 2
- 4
Syntax to include images in the MOOC
#48 opened by annefou - 0
- 4
Investigate CDSE data access via STAC and S3
#53 opened by clausmichele - 3
- 0
- 2
Warnings in exercises 2.3
#32 opened by przell - 14
Exercise 3.3 Data Sharing: leafmap error
#37 opened by JorisCod - 4
Quiz Improvement 2.1 Data Discovery
#29 opened by przell - 0
- 0
Quiz Improvement 2.2 Data Poperties
#30 opened by przell - 5
Improvement exercise 2.3 reduce
#33 opened by przell - 4
Improvement exercise 2.3 resample
#34 opened by przell - 1
Improvement exercise 3.2 validation
#35 opened by clausmichele - 2
intro notebook is_logged_in()
#31 opened by aljacob - 2
openEO sentinelhub download results fails
#9 opened by przell - 4
1.3_open_science: video on gdal [test issue]
#7 opened by przell - 1
- 2
Query S1GRD by Track
#1 opened by przell - 2
S3SLSTR seems to be corrupt/how to use?
#2 opened by przell - 1
- 1
The value passed for parameter 'geometries' in process 'aggregate_spatial' is invalid: Invalid type
#28 opened by dpabon - 1
Markdown doesn't render correctly
#27 opened by m-mohr - 2
Sentinel-2 masking: performance optimization
#26 opened by jdries - 2
Add max_cloud_cover to openEO Sentinel-2 examples
#25 opened by jdries - 1
- 3
openEO on EDC with SentinelHub as backend
#5 opened by przell - 0