
Primary LanguageTypeScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Table of Contents

Project setup

Add .env file to the /apps/eodh-fe dir. Ask your teammates about its content.

Husky not working

Run husky install manually if you have problems with husky.

Available scripts

  • npm run start - starting application in dev mode
  • npm run build - build production version
  • npm run test - run all tests
  • npm run test:unit - run unit and integration tests
  • npm run test:storybook - run storybook tests
  • npm run test:e2e - run e2e tests
  • npm run lint:check / npm run lint:fix - running eslint
  • npm run format:check / npm run format:fix - running prettier
  • npm run code:check / npm run code:fix - eslint + prettier
  • npm run translation:extract - generate translation keys from eodh-fe and libs
  • npm run translation:type:generate - generate interfaces for translations from eodh-fe and libs

Updating dependencies

Run npx nx migrate. This command will run nx migrate underneath. (For more information visit NX documentation). Do not update dependencies manually (instead use NX for that) due to different libraries versions problem.


GitHub's pipelines are used for ci/cd. Check .github directory for more detailed information about pipeline configuration.

Release process

We use adjusted GitFlow - instead of testing from feature branches, we do tests from development branch.

Feature Flags

Feature flags are described in docs/feature-flags.md

Release process steps:

  1. Create release branch with release version, eg. v.1.0.0. Release branch should be created from develop branch.
  2. If any fixes needed merge them into release branch.
  3. Update version in package.json file.
  4. Tag version in git: git tag v1.0.0.
  5. Merge release branch into master branch.
  6. Merge master branch into release branch. This is a very important step! It has to be done otherwise history in master and develop branches will be different!

Git hooks

husky is used for git hooks:

  • pre-push - test and linters are required to pass
  • pre-commit - conventional commit naming convention for commit message is required

Required steps on pipelines

All linters and tests has to pass on pipelines. Before sending any changes make sure you run those commands:

  • npm run test:unit - check if all test pass
  • npm run code:fix - format code


  • Run npm run test command to run tests for all project.
  • Run npm run test:unit command to run unit tests for all project.
  • Run npm run test:storybook command to run storybook tests for all project.
  • Run npm run test:e2e command to run e2e tests for all project.

vitest is used as a test engine

Unit & integration tests

There is no differentiation between unit and integration tests, all those tests are run by one command. Unit tests with mocks are used for more technical stuff like utility libraries. Integration tests are used for business scenarios.

Storybook tests

Storybook tests are somewhere in between integration and e2e tests. They allow us test full flow of the application in the isolation.

E2E tests

E2E tests are used to test application end-to-end (using real data).

Folder structure

Folder structure in Marlin is described in docs/architecture.md

Naming convention

File naming convention

  • kebab case
  • each file should have its type as a suffix. Suffix is added after dot (eg: alert-list.component, use-filtering.hook). Simple files (eg model/content) doesn't require to have a suffix.

Variable, type and interface naming convention

Package @typescript-eslint/naming-convention is used for naming convention:

  • interfaces should start with I letter
  • types should start with T letter
  • variables should be camelCase
  • enums should be UPPER_CASE

Check @typescript-eslint/naming-convention section in .eslint.json file in root directory to see all rules.

Git commit naming convention

Conventional commits convention is used as commits naming convention. Visit the conventional commits page to learn more.

Project vocabulary


  1. CWL - Common Workflow Language. Links: 2. Basics 3. Standard 4. CWL 1.2 5. User Guide
  2. STAC, links: 5. STAC Index 6. EODH STAC BROWSER 7. eodhp-ades-demonstration 8. Earth Observation Application Package 9. STAC API - Collection Search


  1. Feature layer - A page with routing
  2. UI layer - Small feature
  3. Data access layer - API/data caching part of the application
  4. Utils layer - utility libraries
  5. Theme layer - theme configuration and utility functions
  6. Design System layer - components related to design system

Dependencies and relations between layers are described in docs/architecture.md

Tech stack

This project uses nx as its primary build and run tool. NX is described in docs/nx.md

Other tools used:

  • npm
  • React.js
  • Eslint / Prettier - linting tools
  • Vite - js bundler
  • husky - library for running git hooks



Run npm run nx reset if you have any problems with NX.