
Jupyter Notebook and HTTP files to test and demonstrate ADES deployment via OGC API endpoints, including two example OGC Application Packages that can be run


To run the HTTP files, it is recomended you use the REST Client extension (id:humao.rest-client) in VS Code which allows you to send http requests directly from the IDE and see the responses in a side panel.
Before using either of the provided example formats ensure you provide the user and password for the running ADES endpoint to gain access to the API.

Application Packages

Currently we provide two examples of OGC Application Packages, both provided as part of the EOEPCA deployment guide. Both processes resize images, provided either as a URL or a STAC item, by a given scale-percentage.

Pre-production Implementation

Note, the examples in this repository are provided to demonstrate an initial version of the ADES being deployed to the EODH Platform and this is not representative of a final production release. We expect there to be further fine tuning to improve the integration here. If you do encounter any issues with a process not starting to execute, we recommend first deleting the process from the workspace using the undeployProcess function and then redeploying it again.

Accessing outputs

The ADES outputs are stored in an S3 bucket attached to the workspace the workflow was run from. The contents of which can be accessed via HTTPS using functions defined in get_outputs.py. The request must supply a valid token for the workspace.