
Create & Delete Index Templates

If you want to customize mapping or setting of indices, just modify json files in the templates directory.

Running index-tempate.sh script to create or delete indice templates.

# e.g.
./index-templates.sh --action create --dir ./templates --url http://localhost:9200
./index-templates.sh --action delete --dir ./templates --url http://localhost:9200


Curator is a great tool for indice management. Make sure you install the correct version of Curator, detail: Version Compatibility

Config elasticsearch url and log file path in curator/config.yml.

# create indices
curator --config ./curator/config.yml ./curator/create-index-actions.yml

# delete indices
curator --config ./curator/config.yml ./curator/delete-index-actions.yml

# rollover indices
curator --config ./curator/config.yml ./curator/rollover-index-actions.yml