
EOS.IO BIOS Program, to kickstart a new network.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

EOS.IO Software-based blockchain boot orchestration tool

Chinese version

eos-bios is a command-line tool for people who want to kickstart a blockchain using EOS.IO Software.

It implements the following:

  • Multi-staged launch of the mainnet
  • Booting local development environments
  • Booting testnets
  • Booting consortium or private networks

The first you need to know is the discovery protocol. See an introduction here:

The Disco Dance


Jump directly to the sample configurations if you know what you're doing.

Local development environment

Download eos-bios from the releases section here on GitHub, clone this repository and copy the sample_config to a directory of your choice.

Modify the my_discovery_file.yaml to point to a local address:

target_http_address: http://localhost:8888

Then run:

./eos-bios boot --single

This gives you a fully fledged development environment, a chain loaded with all system contracts, very similar to what you will get on the main network once launched.

The sample configuration sets up a single node, as it doesn't point to other block producer candidates (skips the peers discovery).

Orchestrate a community launch

When the time comes to orchestrate a launch, everyone will run:

./eos-bios orchestrate

According to an algorithm, and using the network discovery data, each team will be assigned a role deterministically:

  1. The BIOS Boot node, which will, alone, execute the equivalent of eos-bios boot.
  2. An Appointed Block Producer, which executes the equivalent of eos-bios join --verify
  3. An other participant, which executes the equivalent of eos-bios join

The orchestrate for all will wait the agreed upon seed_network_launch_block, and then do the dance.

Practicing to join

Ask anyone on the latest seed network to invite you. They will run:

./eos-bios invite [youraccount] [your pubkey]

This will create your account on the seed network. Tweak your my_discovery_file.yaml:

  • seed_network_account_name, make it match what you provided for an invite.
  • seed_network_http_address, this should be the address of the seed network you want to orchestrate from.

Also add your seed account private key to privkey.keys. This will allow you to run:

./eos-bios publish

You will want to tweak those values in your my_discovery_file.yaml also:

  • target_http_address is the address to reach the node you're booting for the next stage.
  • target_p2p_address is a publicly reachable address advertised to mesh the network
  • target_appointed_block_producer_signing_key and target_initial_authority: these will be injected on the newly created blockchain as target_account_name.
  • seed_network_peers this one warrants its own section.

Other notable fields:

  • seed_network_launch_block is the target block on the seed network which will unleash an orchestrated launch.
  • target_contents are all the pieces of content we need to agree on that will make it into the chain, like system contracts, ERC-20 snapshots, etc..

Practicing to boot

Review your my_discovery_file.yaml (see previous section). Then run:

./eos-bios boot

This will test your hook_boot_*.sh hooks.

Discovering the network

When you do point to a seed network (in your config), you can:

./eos-bios discover

and this will print the peers, their relative weights, etc..

Network peers

The seed_network_peers section of your discovery file looks like this:

- account: eosexample
  comment: "They are good"
  weight: 10  # Weights are between 0 and 100 (INT value)
- account: eosmore
  comment: "They are better"
  weight: 20

This means you are comfortable launching the network with both eosexample (at 10% vote weight), and eosmore (at 20%). eos-bios will compute a graph of the network based on that peering information.

These are all account names on the seed network used to boot a new network.

Seed networks

Seed network endpoint Stage Booted
http://stage0.eoscanada.com 0 May 9th 2018
http://stage1.eoscanada.com 1 May 9th 2018

Example flow and interventions in the orchestrated launch

  1. Everyone runs eos-bios orchestrate.
  2. eos-bios downloads the network topology pointed to by your my_discovery_file.yaml, as does everyone.
  3. The network topology is sorted by weight according to how people voted in their peers section.
  4. The launch_ethereum_block is taken from the top 20% in the topology: if they all agree, with continue with that number. Otherwise, we wait until they do (and periodically retraverse the network graph)

Install / Download

You can download the latest release here: https://github.com/eoscanada/eos-bios/releases .. it is a single binary that you can download on all major platforms. Simply make executable and run. It has zero dependencies.

Alternatively, you can build from source with:

go get -v github.com/eoscanada/eos-bios/eos-bios

This will install the binary in ~/go/bin provided you have the Go tool installed (quick install at https://golang.org/dl)

Join the discussion

On Telegram through this invite link: https://t.me/joinchat/GSUv1UaI5QIuifHZs8k_eA (EOSIO BIOS Boot channel)

Previous proposition

See the previous proposition in this repo in README.v0.md

Readiness checklist

  • Did I update my target_p2p_address to reflect the IP of the NEW network we're booting ?
  • Did I update my target_http_address to point to my node, reachable from eos-bios's machine ?


  • Do your PRIVKEY and PUBKEY in hook_join_network.sh match what you published in your discovery file under target_initial_authority and target_initial_block_signing_key ?

  • Forked ? Did someone point to an old p2p address ? If so, removed them from the network.


  • In Orchestrate, compute the LaunchData by the most votes, weighted by the highest Weight

    • Find out what we do for the chain_id.. do we vote for it too ? Top 20% must agree on the chain_id ? Top 20% must agree on the constitution ?
  • boot_connect_mesh: Make sure we don't mesh with the first BIOS boot.. it's most probably not running..

  • Do connectivity checks when doing discovery.. and get a report upon orchestration that the peers are up ?

  • Implement eos-bios boot --reset or something.. through eosio.disco::delgenesis

Role Seed Account Target Acct Weight Contents Launch block (local time)

BIOS NODE eosmama eoscanadacom 10 1112211 500 (Fri Nov 7th 23:36, local time) ABP 01 eosmarc eosmarc 5 1111112 572 (Fri Nov 8th 00:25, local time) ABP 02 eosrita eosrita 2 1111111 572 (Fri Nov 8th 00:25, local time) ABP 03 eosguy eosguy 1 1111111 572 (Fri Nov 8th 00:25, local time) ABP 04 eosbob eosbob 1

Contents disagreements:

  • About column 4: boot_sequence.yaml
    • eosmarc, eoscanadacom, eospouet says 1: /ipfs/Qmakjdsflakjdslfkjaldsfk
    • eosmama says 2: /ipfs/Qmhellkajdlakjdsflkj