
Docker Based Multi-BP EOS Testnet Generator

Primary LanguageMakefile

EOS Cluster Generator

EOS Cluster Generator is a Docker based multi-bp config generater. You can use it to boot up an EOS testnet on your laptop in 5 minutes.

NOTE: This tool use EOSIO v2.0.0-rc1 to boot network, if you prefer to use older version, you can find it in branches like feature/v1.8.x accordingly.

Quick Start

1. Run init.sh to generate keys and configs

Run init.sh with the number of block producers you want, which will emit outputs as follows:

$ ./init.sh {NUM_BP}

Starting docker container eos-key-generator

(1/3) Generating {NUM_BP} keys for BP account...
{NUM_BP} BP keys generated

(2/3) Generating 3 keys for voter accounts...
3 voter keys generated

(3/3) Generating configs under /data/ dir...
All set!
Now you can exec ./boot.sh to boot the network up!

First, it will run a eos-key-generator container to generate EOS keys for BP and Voter accounts. It will generate 3 BP keys and 3 voter keys by default, you can change it in init.sh script. But make sure voter accounts >= 3, since we hardcoded to issue 60M EOS token to each voter and stake 50M each(to activate the chain, 150M EOS staked&vote needed).

Note that we use an wellknown key "EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV" for bios node located in bios_key file(You dont need to change it).

After keys generated, init.sh will continue to run generate.py script to generate configs for bios&BP nodes under ./data dir, including config.ini, genesis.json, etc. generate.py will also generate a bunch of necessary bash scripts including boot.sh and other step-by-step scripts for mannual use.

Also, docker-compose.yaml will be generated which defines Docker containers for bios&BP nodes.

2. Run boot.sh to boot it up!

boot.sh combines step-by-step script into one. It looks like this:

$ cat boot.sh

docker-compose up -d
sleep 2
sleep 2
sleep 2
sleep 2
sleep 2
sleep 2
sleep 2

As you can see, boot.sh will first boot up docker containers as bios&BP nodes, then import keys, create EOS token, create necessary accounts, reg producer, issue token to voters and vote for producers.

After you run boot.sh, you will have a fully functional EOS blockchain. BP accounts will be like bp1, bp2 ...... bpz, and voters as voter1, voter2, etc.

Each voter account has 60M EOS with 50M staked. At this point, BPs will be generating blocks instead of bios node, too. You can check nodeos logs to verify that:

docker logs -f nodeosd

Note that all the keys generated in step 1 are imported in nodeosd container, you can check the importion detail in 00_import_keys.sh. Also, there is a wallet_password file created after the import which contains the password to unlock the default wallet in nodeosd container.

3. Resign eosio and other system accounts

To fully simulate an EOS chain just like EOS Mainnet, you should resign all system accounts to eosio.prods permission. Functions like multisig proposal will only work after system accounts are properly resigned.

To resign system accounts, just run resign.sh


Now, you have a full fledged EOS chain on your laptop!


Before you start over from step 1, please make sure you have ran destroy.sh, it will bring bios&BP nodes down, then delete the generated keys and ./data/ dir

Alternative Mannual Steps(Specify keys mannually)

1. Prepare key pairs

Create 2 files namingly bp_keys, voter_keys under the directory of this repo. Note that we use a wellknown key "EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV" for bios node and system accounts, so you don't need to specify bios_key or token_keys anymore.

Put key pairs for BP and Voter accounts into file bp_keys and voter_keys using the format as follows:

Private key: 5HvwrfNLVw9bKFXXXXXXX
Public key: EOS7qfbpbAjqXXXXXXX
Private key: 5HvwrfNLVw9bKFXXXXXXX
Public key: EOS7qfbpbAjqXXXXXXX


Since we hardcoded to issue 60M tokens to each voter and only stake 50M each, at least 3 voter key pairs should be provided in voter_keys to achieve 15% trigger(150M EOS should be staked&vote to activate the chain).

Voter accounts are named like voter1, voter2, voter3, etc.

BP accounts are named like bp1, bp2, bp3, etc.

2. Generate configs

After keys prepared properly, execute:

python generate.py

This script will generate the following files under project dir:

-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff  8226 May 23 16:28 boot.sh
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff  8226 May 23 16:28 bashrc
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff  8226 May 23 16:28 docker-compose.yml
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff  3596 May 23 16:29 00_import_keys.sh
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff   608 May 23 16:28 01_create_token.sh
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff  7455 May 23 16:28 02_create_accounts.sh
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff  2990 May 23 16:28 03_reg_producers.sh
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff   584 May 23 16:28 04_issue_voter_token.sh
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff   468 May 23 16:28 05_delegate_voter_token.sh
-rwxr--r--   1 john  staff   727 May 23 16:28 06_vote.sh

docker-compose.yml contains the service for bios&BP nodes.

boot.sh is used to boot all the nodes up and inject necessery data to the chain, all the way to voting.

bashrc defines an alias for cleos, something like alias cleos="docker exec nodeosd cleos"

Lastly, these numbered bash scripts contains the necessery commands each step all the way to voting. if you would like to execute these command one by one, feel free to do that. The number in script names indicates the sequence.

Also, generate.py will generate data dirs and configs for each BP under ./data dir.

3. BOOT!

use boot.sh script to boot it up!


Then you can check the log of nodeosd container, which is bios node. You should see eosio generating blocks pretty soon.

Next, you can further test BP failover, voting or anything functionality you want to play with!

There is an alias for cleos command in bashrc, simple source it teh you can call cleos to run all kinds of test.

source bashrc

cleos get account eosio


4. Resign eosio and other system accounts

To fully simulate an EOS chain just like EOS Mainnet, you should resign all system accounts to eosio.prods permission. Functions like multisig proposal will only work after system accounts are properly resigned.

To resign system accounts, just run resign.sh


Now, you have a full fledged EOS chain on your laptop!


Before you start over from step 1, please make sure you have ran destroy.sh, it will bring bios&BP nodes down, then delete the generated keys and ./data/ dir