IC-IT ssh keys deployment

This role intends to install the ssh keys used by the IC-IT team into the authorized_keys file.


You should have a github repository hosting the ssh keys.

I order to use this role, you'll need to reference it. Typically, this is done by creating a requirements.yaml file.

  - name: ic_it.deploy_ic_it_ssh_keys
    src: git@github.com:EPFL-IC/ic_it.deploy_ic_it_ssh_keys.git
    scm: git

Then install the roles with ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml.

Role Variables

name description default
user_to_deploy_ssh_keys for which user do we want to deploy the ssh keys? root
github_user username of the github account EPFL-IC
github_repo repository name ic-it-authorized-keys

Example Playbook

    - hosts: servers
         - { role: ic_it.deploy_ic_it_ssh_keys, user_to_deploy_ssh_keys: vagrant }



Author Information

Emmanuel Jaep EPFL profile